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GNU Bayonne Script Examples

Luca Bariani
[email protected]

May 2003

GNU Bayonne

Ferrara Linux User Group


List of Examples



GNU Bayonne is a script driven telephony application server. As such, it has it's own scripting language built by class extension from the GNU ccScript interpreter.

The main characteristics of the ccScript scripting language are described in the document: GNU Bayonne Script Programming Guide; this document gives a lot of examples to show how programming Bayonne using ccScript.

Every example of this document is tested in the indicated environment (Bayonne version, ccScript version, ...) and the output reported after the source.

This document will never be complete: there are always new examples to add (by adding new feature og changing it).

Before you begin


Every example of this document has been tested with Ccscript and/or Bayonne version's as reported in the Testing environment line. To run example example.scr and get the output example.out as reported here follow this steps:

Dummy Driver

The Dummy driver simulates IVR hardware behavior using a normal sound card and a keyboard, so it's possible to run Bayonne without the specific IVR hardware; it's very useful to make a testing/developing environment or to try Bayonne itself.

Using Dummy driver is very simple:

So a phone call simulation is very easy:

Right ending

Every Bayonne script program must end with the exit instruction, so everything is closed in the right mode. Without the exit instruction, a Bayonne script has an infinite loop. With Ccscript only (without Bayonne) a script can end without the exit instruction without any error. The first two examples are equal, but have different testing environment, so they have completely different output and behavior.

Example 1: exit, ccscript

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-noexit1.scr

slog "No exit at the end: with ccscript no problem" 

Output: luca-noexit1.out

luca-noexit1: 1 steps compiled
luca-noexit1: No exit at the end: with ccscript no problem

The output is three lines only, the first is the compile report, the last is for exit and the second is the real output of the script.

Example 2: exit, bayonne

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-noexit2.scr

slog "No exit at the end: infinite loop" 

Output: luca-noexit2.out

dummy(0): luca-noexit2: No exit at the end: infinite loop
dummy(0): luca-noexit2: No exit at the end: infinite loop
dummy(0): luca-noexit2: No exit at the end: infinite loop
dummy(0): luca-noexit2: No exit at the end: infinite loop
dummy(0): luca-noexit2: No exit at the end: infinite loop
dummy(0): luca-noexit2: No exit at the end: infinite loop
dummy(0): luca-noexit2: No exit at the end: infinite loop
dummy(0): luca-noexit2: No exit at the end: infinite loop
dummy(0): luca-noexit2: No exit at the end: infinite loop
dummy0: hangup...

The output is an infinite loop, to end this we must press `H' and terminate the call.


The basic use of Ccscript variables needs the set instruction (assignment, concatenation); to delete a variable value there is the clear instruction. The instruction slog is very useful for logging out messages.

Definition and use

A basic variable is defined with the set instruction; an undefined variable is like an empty one.

Example 3: set, clear, slog

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-set1.scr

slog %variable          # empty value
set %variable "luca"    # new value
slog %variable          # prints "luca"
clear %variable         # empty again	
slog %variable          # no output
exit                    # NB: always an exit at end

Output: luca-set1.out

luca-set1: 6 steps compiled
luca-set1: luca

The second line is empty because the variable is undefined, the forth line is empty because variable has been cleared.

The set instruction is used in assignment, but in some cases for this purpose the symbol `=' can be used. Using multiple values with set instruction we got string concatenation.

Example 4: assignment, concatenation

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-set2.scr

set %var1 "Luca"        # string assignment
slog %var1              # prints "Luca"
set  %var2 "10"         # numeric assignment
slog %var2              # prints "10"
%var3 = 100             # alternative numeric assignment
slog %var3              # prints "100"
%var4 = "Luke"          # WRONG: only numbers 
slog %var4              # prints "0" and not the "Luke"
set %var5="Bariani"     # both "set" and "="
slog %var5

set %concat1 %var1 %var2 %var3  # string concatenation 
slog %concat1                   # prints "Luca10100"
set %concat2 %var1, " ", %var5  
   # string concatenation with a costant
   # using comma or not is indifferent	
slog %concat2                   # prints "Luca Bariani"
slog %var1 " " %var5            # slog string concatenation
                                # prints "Luca Bariani" again
exit                    # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-set2.out

luca-set2: 16 steps compiled
luca-set2: Luca
luca-set2: 10
luca-set2: 100
luca-set2: 0
luca-set2: Bariani
luca-set2: Luca10100
luca-set2: Luca Bariani
luca-set2: Luca Bariani

The instructions set.min and set.max allow variable assignment/definition getting the minimum/maximum value from the specified list. The instruction swap allows setting two variables to each other's value.

Example 5: min, max, swap

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-set3.scr

set %var1=1            # numeric value
set %var2=10           # numeric value
set %var3=100          # numeric value

slog "var1="%var1 ", var2=" %var2 ",var3="  %var3

set.min %min %var1 %var2 %var3  # set to the lesser value
set.max %max %var1 %var2 %var3  # set to the greater values

slog "min: " %min " max: " %max

swap %var1 %var3        # variable exchange
slog "var1="%var1 ", var2=" %var2 ",var3="  %var3

exit                    # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-set3.out

luca-set3: 10 steps compiled
luca-set3: var1=1, var2=10,var3=100
luca-set3: min: 1 max: 100
luca-set3: var1=100, var2=10,var3=1

Basic numerical operations

The instructions inc and dec perform the basic numeric operations.

Example 6: inc, dec, sum, difference

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-inc.scr

set %var1=10            # numeric value
set %var2=10            # numeric value
inc %var1               # single increment
dec %var2               # single decrement
slog "var1=" %var1 ", var2="%var2
inc %var1 4             # arbitrary increment: sum
dec %var2 4             # arbitrary decrement: difference
slog "var1=" %var1 ", var2="%var2
inc %var1 %var2         # increment with no costants 
slog "var1=" %var1 ", var2="%var2
exit                    # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-inc.out

luca-inc: 11 steps compiled
luca-inc: var1=11, var2=9
luca-inc: var1=15, var2=5
luca-inc: var1=20, var2=5


A Ccscript package provides new commands and properties to your script. These new features are defined in external modules. To import a package and use its functions there is the command/directive use, so use mypack imports the package mypack.


The digits package provides properties allowing manipulation of strings. While intended for strings of digits, it works equally well on generic strings.

The trim instruction normalizes a string to a specific length. Normalization can be based on specific offset: start, middle, end. If no offset is specified the default is start. Offset indexing begins with 0, as is the case in Python and Perl.

Example 7: digits, trim

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-digits1.scr

use digits
set %var "1234567890"  # a generic variable
trim.start %var 6      # leave the first 6 digits
slog "var: " %var
set %var "1234567890"       
trim.end %var 6        # leave the last 6 digits
slog "var: " %var
set %var "1234567890"       
trim.2 %var 6          # leave the first 6 digits after 
                       # the second digit
slog "var: " %var
set %var "1234567890"       
trim.start %var 10     # leave the first 10 digits: %var 
                       # is inaltered
slog "var: " %var
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-digits1.out

luca-digits1: 14 steps compiled
luca-digits1: var: 123456
luca-digits1: var: 567890
luca-digits1: var: 345678
luca-digits1: var: 1234567890

Example 8: digits, trim

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: jim-digits1.scr

# vim: set ts=8 sw=8:
use digits
set %var "1234567890"
slog "Original string:    " %var 
trim.start %var 7
slog "First 7 digits:     " %var
trim.end %var 5	
slog "Last 5 digits:      " %var
trim.1 %var 2
slog "2 digits, offset 1: " %var
trim.start %var 4		    # var unaltered as it's only 2 digits long
slog "First 4 digits:     " %var
trim %var 1			    # default offset is start
slog "First digit:        " %var
slog ""
set %var "abnormally"
slog "Works with letters also: "
slog %var
trim.start %var 8
slog %var
trim.end %var 6	
slog %var
trim.1 %var 2	
slog %var
trim %var 1
slog %var

Output: jim-digits1.out

jim-digits1: 26 steps compiled
jim-digits1: Original string:    1234567890
jim-digits1: First 7 digits:     1234567
jim-digits1: Last 5 digits:      34567
jim-digits1: 2 digits, offset 1: 45
jim-digits1: First 4 digits:     45
jim-digits1: First digit:        4
jim-digits1: Works with letters also:
jim-digits1: abnormally
jim-digits1: abnormal
jim-digits1: normal
jim-digits1: or
jim-digits1: o

The chop instruction cuts digits from a specific offset: start, middle, end. Chop is the inverse of trim. Where trim saves the specified part of the string, chop deletes it.

Example 9: digits, chop

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-digits2.scr

use digits
set %var "1234567890"  # a generic variable
chop.start %var 6      # cuts the first 6 digits
slog "var: " %var
set %var "1234567890"       
chop.end %var 6        # cuts the last 6 digits
slog "var: " %var
set %var "1234567890"       
chop.2 %var 6          # cuts the first 6 digits after 
                       # the second digit
slog "var: " %var
set %var "1234567890"       
chop.10 %var 10        # cuts digits after the tenth digit: %var 
                       # is inaltered
slog "var: " %var
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-digits2.out

luca-digits2: 14 steps compiled
luca-digits2: var: 7890
luca-digits2: var: 1234
luca-digits2: var: 1290
luca-digits2: var: 1234567890

The delete instruction deletes a specific digit if present in the specified position.

Example 10: digits, delete

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.2

Source: luca-digits3.scr

use digits
set %var "abcdefg"     # a generic variable
delete.start %var "a"  # if the first digit is "a" deletes it
slog "var: " %var
set %var "abcdefg"       
delete.3 %var "d"  # if the fourth digit (the first digit is
                   #  the number 0) is "d" deletes it 
slog "var: " %var
set %var "abcdefg"       
delete.0 %var "a"    # delete.0 is equal to delete.start 
slog "var: " %var
set %var "abcdefg"       
delete.2 %var "e"    # the 3rd digit in not "e", nothing happens
slog "var: " %var
set %var "abcdefg"       
delete.end %var "g"  # if the last digit is "g" deletes it
slog "var: " %var
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-digits3.out

luca-digits3: 17 steps compiled
luca-digits3: var: bcdefg
luca-digits3: var: abcefg
luca-digits3: var: bcdefg
luca-digits3: var: abcdefg
luca-digits3: var: abcdef

Example 11: digits, delete

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.2

Source: jim-digits3.scr

# vim: set ts=8 sw=8:
use digits
set %var "abnormally"
slog "Original string:         " %var 
delete.start %var "ab"
slog "delete.start ab:         " %var
delete.end %var "ly"
slog "delete.end ly:           " %var 
delete.2 %var "rm"	
slog "delete.2 rm:             " %var

Output: jim-digits3.out

jim-digits3: 10 steps compiled
jim-digits3: Original string:         abnormally
jim-digits3: delete.start ab:         normally
jim-digits3: delete.end ly:           normal
jim-digits3: delete.2 rm:             noal

The insert instruction inserts a digit in a specific offset. Insert did not accept the end keyword until ccscript 2.5.2.

Example 12: digits, insert

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-digits4.scr

use digits
set %var "123456"     # a generic variable
insert.start %var "a" # insert "a" at the beginning of %var
slog "var: " %var
set %var "123456"       
insert.3 %var "AA"   # insert after the fourth digit 
                     # (the first digit is the number 0)
slog "var: " %var
set %var "123456"       
insert.0 %var "a"    # insert.0 is equal to insert.start 
slog "var: " %var
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-digits4.out

luca-digits4: 11 steps compiled
luca-digits4: var: a123456
luca-digits4: var: 123AA456
luca-digits4: var: a123456

Example 13: digits, insert

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: jim-digits4.scr

# vim: set ts=8 sw=8:
use digits
set %var "noal"
slog "Original string:         " %var 
insert.2 %var "rm"
slog "Insert.2 rm:             " %var 
insert.start %var "ab"
slog "insert.start ab:         " %var
insert.end %var "ly"	
slog "insert.end ly:           " %var

Output: jim-digits4.out

jim-digits4: 10 steps compiled
jim-digits4: Original string:         noal
jim-digits4: Insert.2 rm:             normal
jim-digits4: insert.start ab:         abnormal
jim-digits4: insert.end ly:           lyabnormal

The prefix instruction inserts a digit in at a beginning of a string, but only if it's not already present. Using an offset or the end keyword leaves the string unchanged.

Example 14: digits, prefix

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-digits5.scr

use digits
set %var "123456"      # a generic variable
prefix.start %var "a"  # insert "a" at the beginning of 
                       # %var because $var starts with 1
slog "var: " %var
set %var "123456"       
prefix.0 %var "a"     # insert.0 is equal to insert.start 
slog "var: " %var
set %var "123456"       
prefix.start %var "1"  # doesn't insert "1" at the beginning
                       # of %var because $var already 
		       # starts with 1 
slog "var: " %var
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-digits5.out

luca-digits5: 11 steps compiled
luca-digits5: var: a123456
luca-digits5: var: a123456
luca-digits5: var: 123456

Example 15: digits, prefix

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: jim-digits5.scr

# vim: set ts=8 sw=8:
use digits
set %var "normal"
slog "Original string:               " %var 
prefix.start %var "no"
slog "prefix.start 'no':             " %var 
prefix.start %var "ab"
slog "prefix.start 'ab':             " %var
prefix.end %var "ly"	
slog "prefix.end 'ly' does nothing:  " %var
prefix.4 %var "licious"
slog "Nor does prefix.4:             " %var

Output: jim-digits5.out

jim-digits5: 12 steps compiled
jim-digits5: Original string:               normal
jim-digits5: prefix.start 'no':             normal
jim-digits5: prefix.start 'ab':             abnormal
jim-digits5: prefix.end 'ly' does nothing:  lyabnormal
jim-digits5: Nor does prefix.4:             lyabnormal

The replace instruction replace a character with different string, at the specific offset.

Example 16: digits, replace

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-digits6.scr

use digits
set %var "abcdefg"         # a generic variable
replace.start %var "a" "A" # if the first digit is "a" 
                           # replaces it
slog "var: " %var
set %var "abcdefg"       
replace.3 %var "d" "D" # if the fourth digit (the first digit 
                       # is the number 0) is "d" replaces it 
slog "var: " %var
set %var "abcdefg"       
replace.0 %var "a" "A" # replace.0 is equal to replace.start 
slog "var: " %var
set %var "abcdefg"       
replace.2 %var "e" "E"    # the 3rd digit in not "e"
                          # nothing happens
slog "var: " %var
set %var "abcdefg"       
replace.end %var "g" "G"    # if the last digit is "g"
                            # replaces it
slog "var: " %var
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-digits6.out

luca-digits6: 17 steps compiled
luca-digits6: var: Abcdefg
luca-digits6: var: abcDefg
luca-digits6: var: Abcdefg
luca-digits6: var: abcdefg
luca-digits6: var: abcdefG

Example 17: digits, replace

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: jim-digits6.scr

# vim: set ts=8 sw=8:
use digits
set %var "abnormally"
slog "Original string:         " %var 
replace.2 %var "normal" "ysmal"
slog "Updated string:          " %var

Output: jim-digits6.out

jim-digits6: 6 steps compiled
jim-digits6: Original string:         abnormally
jim-digits6: Updated string:          abysmally

Replacing a character with another string:

Example 18: digits, replace/2

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-digits7.scr

use digits
set %var "abcdefg"          # a generic variable
replace.start %var "a" "AB" # if the first digit is "a" 
                            # replaces it with AB
slog "var: " %var
set %var "abcdefg"       
replace.end %var "g" "GH"   # if the last digit is "g"
                            # replaces it with GH
slog "var: " %var
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-digits7.out

luca-digits7: 8 steps compiled
luca-digits7: var: ABbcdefg
luca-digits7: var: abcdefGH


The random package provides a flexible random number generator (RNG). The RNG may be seeded with a known value at any time. If no seed is used the current time of day is used.

Example 19: random

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: jim-random1.scr

# vim: set ts=8 sw=8:
use random
random.seed 6			# same numbers each time we run
repeat 5
	random.9 %var		# 1 <= %var <= 9
	slog %var
slog " "
random.seed 6			# Restart RNG
repeat 5
	random.9 %var		# Same numbers as above
	slog %var
slog " "
random.9 seed=6 %var1 %var2 %var3 %var4 %var5	
				# Same numbers, once again
slog %var1 ", " %var2 ", " %var3 ", " %var4 ", " %var5

Output: jim-random1.out

jim-random1: 16 steps compiled
jim-random1: 2
jim-random1: 9
jim-random1: 8
jim-random1: 4
jim-random1: 1
jim-random1: 2
jim-random1: 9
jim-random1: 8
jim-random1: 4
jim-random1: 1
jim-random1: 2, 9, 8, 4, 1

There are several modifiers for the random number stream.

It is possible to reseed the RNG every time it is used. This is usually A Bad Idea (tm).
Generate multiple random numbers, summing them together. An example of where this is useful is in simulating rolls of dice. For example, random.6 count=2 returns a value from 2 to 12 inclusive, simulating the roll of two 6 sided dice.
Normally the RNG generates numbers >= 1. This can be changed by with the offset. For example, random.6 offset=3 generates a random number from 4 to 9 inclusive.
Ensures the number generated is at least the minimum value. If the number is $<$ min it is set to min.
Ensures the number generated is less than or equal to max. If the number is $>$ max it is set to max.
Once the min, max, offset, and count are factored in, if the resulting value is less than the reroll value then a new number is generated. Hence it's possible to let the user roll 2 6 sided dir until the total is 5 or more.

Example 20: random

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: jim-random2.scr

# vim: set ts=8 sw=8:
use random
repeat 20
	random.6 count=2 %var1		# Simulate throwing 2 dice
	slog %var1 
slog " "
repeat 20
	random.6 count=2 reroll=4 %var1	# Simulate throwing 2 dice
	slog %var1 

Output: jim-random2.out

jim-random2: 11 steps compiled
jim-random2: 8
jim-random2: 5
jim-random2: 7
jim-random2: 5
jim-random2: 4
jim-random2: 10
jim-random2: 6
jim-random2: 6
jim-random2: 11
jim-random2: 6
jim-random2: 7
jim-random2: 8
jim-random2: 6
jim-random2: 6
jim-random2: 2
jim-random2: 11
jim-random2: 8
jim-random2: 6
jim-random2: 6
jim-random2: 5
jim-random2: 6
jim-random2: 10
jim-random2: 7
jim-random2: 5
jim-random2: 6
jim-random2: 12
jim-random2: 11
jim-random2: 9
jim-random2: 6
jim-random2: 8
jim-random2: 6
jim-random2: 10
jim-random2: 12
jim-random2: 7
jim-random2: 6
jim-random2: 6
jim-random2: 8
jim-random2: 5
jim-random2: 5
jim-random2: 6

Notice the way min and max are defined. As can be seen in the following example, careless use weights the RNG stream to the minimum/maximum, which is probably not what is wanted. Use a range and an offset to get a true set of random numbers in a given range.

Example 21: random

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: jim-random3.scr

# vim: set ts=8 sw=8:
use random
random.seed 300
random.4 seed=0 offset=4 %var1 %var2 %var3 %var4 %var5 \
	%var6 %var7 %var8 %var9 %var10 %var11 %var12   \
	%var13 %var14 %var15 %var16 %var17 %var18      \
	%var19 %var20
slog "Evenly distributed: " 
slog	%var1 ", " %var2 ", " %var3 ", " %var4 ", "    \
	%var5 ", " %var6 ", " %var7 ", " %var8 ", "    \
	%var9 ", " %var10 ", "%var11 ", " %var12 ", "  \
	%var13 ", " %var14 ", " %var15 	", " %var16    \
	", " %var17 ", " %var18 ", " %var19 ", " %var20

random.10 seed=0 min=5 max=8 %var1 %var2 %var3 %var4   \
	%var5 %var6 %var7 %var8 %var9 %var10 %var11    \
	%var12 %var13 %var14 %var15 %var16 %var17      \
	%var18 %var19 %var20
slog "Weighted at 5 and 8:"
slog	%var1 ", " %var2 ", " %var3 ", " %var4 ", "    \
	%var5 ", " %var6 ", " %var7 ", " %var8 ", "    \
	%var9 ", " %var10 ", "%var11 ", " %var12 ", "  \
	%var13 ", " %var14 ", " %var15 	", " %var16    \
	", " %var17 ", " %var18 ", " %var19 ", " %var20

random.4 seed=0 offset=4 %var1 %var2 %var3 %var4 %var5 \
	%var6 %var7 %var8 %var9 %var10 %var11 %var12   \
	%var13 %var14 %var15 %var16 %var17 %var18      \
	%var19 %var20

Output: jim-random3.out

jim-random3: 10 steps compiled
jim-random3: Evenly distributed:
jim-random3: 8, 6, 8, 8, 8, 5, 6, 8, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 8, 8, 
		7, 7, 5, 7
jim-random3: Weighted at 5 and 8:
jim-random3: 8, 5, 8, 8, 8, 5, 5, 8, 5, 6, 5, 7, 5, 6, 8, 8, 
		7, 8, 5, 7


The sort package allows sorting data structures such as a fifo, stack, list,...

Example 22: sort, sequence

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-sort1.scr

use sort
sequence 5 %seq     
post %seq 3 5 2 1 4    # five values in random order
dup %seq %seqUp        # sequenze duplication
dup %seq %seqDown      # 
sort %seqUp            # normal sort
sort.reverse %seqDown  # reverse sort
slog "original: " %seq " up: " %seqUp " down: " %seqDown
slog "original: " %seq " up: " %seqUp " down: " %seqDown
slog "original: " %seq " up: " %seqUp " down: " %seqDown
slog "original: " %seq " up: " %seqUp " down: " %seqDown
slog "original: " %seq " up: " %seqUp " down: " %seqDown
exit                    # NB: always an exit at end

Output: luca-sort1.out

luca-sort1: 13 steps compiled
luca-sort1: original: 3 up: 1 down: 5
luca-sort1: original: 5 up: 2 down: 4
luca-sort1: original: 2 up: 3 down: 3
luca-sort1: original: 1 up: 4 down: 2
luca-sort1: original: 4 up: 5 down: 1

Example 23: sort, list

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-sort2.scr

use sort
set %list "2,5,3,4,1"     
dup %list %listUp        # list duplication
dup %list %listDown      # 
sort %listUp             # normal sort
sort.reverse %listDown   # reverse sort
slog "original:     "%list
slog "up ordered:   "%listUp
slog "down ordered: "%listDown
exit                    # NB: always an exit at end

Output: luca-sort2.out

luca-sort2: 10 steps compiled
luca-sort2: original:     2,5,3,4,1
luca-sort2: up ordered:   1,2,3,4,5
luca-sort2: down ordered: 5,4,3,2,1

Data structures

Ccscript allows some complex data structures and some specific and automatic operations on them.

Time and Date

Ccscript allows time and date manipulation with particular data structures. For definition and assignment there are instructions set.time and These data structures support basic operation like inc and dec which results are always valid time or date values.

Example 24: date

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-date.scr

use date %date "20031225"      # a date
dup %date %minus1              # date copy
dup %date %minus30
dup %date %add1
dup %date %add10
slog "date (mouth/day/year): "%date %minus1         # date - 1 day %minus30 30     # date - 30 days %add1           # date + 1 day %add10 10       # date + 10 days 
slog "one day before "%minus1
slog "30 days before "%minus30
slog "one day after  "%add1
slog "10 days after  "%add10
exit                      # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-date.out

luca-date: 16 steps compiled
luca-date: date (mouth/day/year): 12/25/2003
luca-date: one day before 12/24/2003
luca-date: 30 days before 11/25/2003
luca-date: one day after  12/26/2003
luca-date: 10 days after  01/04/2004

Example 25: time

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-time.scr

use time
set.time %time "115700"           # a time
dup %time %minus1
dup %time %minus70
dup %time %minus4000
dup %time %add1
dup %time %add70
dup %time %add4000
slog "time (HH:MM:SS): "%time
dec.time %minus1
slog "one second before: " %minus1
dec.time %minus70 70
slog "70 seconds before: " %minus70
dec.time %minus4000 4000
slog "4000 seconds before: " %minus4000
inc.time %add1
slog "one second after: " %add1
inc.time %add70 70
slog "70 seconds after: " %add70
inc.time %add4000 4000
slog "4000 seconds after: " %add4000
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-time.out

luca-time: 22 steps compiled
luca-time: time (HH:MM:SS): 11:57:00
luca-time: one second before: 11:56:59
luca-time: 70 seconds before: 11:55:50
luca-time: 4000 seconds before: 10:50:20
luca-time: one second after: 11:57:01
luca-time: 70 seconds after: 11:58:10
luca-time: 4000 seconds after: 13:03:40


A counter data structure is a variable which is incremented at every use.

Example 26: counter

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-count.scr

counter %count          # counter definition
slog "counter " %count  # prints count and increments it
slog "counter " %count  # prints count and increments it
slog "counter " %count  # prints count and increments it
exit                    # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-count.out

luca-count: 5 steps compiled
luca-count: counter 1
luca-count: counter 2
luca-count: counter 3

Dynamic structures: Fifo, Stack, Sequence

The stack and fifo are dynamic structures (FIFO = First In First Out, Stack = LIFO = Last In First Out); they store values with post instruction and release them at every use, a value can be deleted with remove. Of course using post and remove don't release a value from structure.

Example 27: stack

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-stack.scr

stack 3 %stck        # stack declaration 
post %stck 1         # insert a value, stck = 1
post %stck 2         # insert a value, stck = 2 1
post %stck 3         # insert a value, stck = 3 2 1
slog "stck " %stck   
     # prints the stack value and remove it, stck = 2 1       
slog "stck " %stck   
     # prints the stack value and remove it, stck = 1
slog "stck " %stck   
     # prints the stack value and remove it, stck =      
slog "stck " %stck   
     # prints an empty value: the stack is empty      

post %stck 1 2 3     # multiple post, stck = 3 2 1
slog "stck " %stck   
     # prints the stack value and remove it, stck = 2 1       
slog "stck " %stck   
     # prints the stack value and remove it, stck = 1
slog "stck " %stck   
     # prints the stack value and remove it, stck =      

post %stck 1 2 3 4   # too many elements: the stack has size 3
                     # the fourth value is ignored
slog "stck " %stck   # prints 3 and not 4, stck = 2 1       
slog "stck " %stck   
     # prints the stack value and remove it, stck = 1
slog "stck " %stck   
     # prints the stack value and remove it, stck =      
slog "stck " %stck   # prints an empty value: the stack is empty      

post %stck 1,2,3     # post: with or without commas
remove %stck 2       # remove a value from stack, stck = 3 1
remove %stck 10      
     # does nothing: value not present into the stack
slog "stck " %stck   
     # prints the stack value and remove it, stck = 1       
slog "stck " %stck   
     # prints the stack value and remove it, stck =       
slog "stck " %stck   # prints an empty value: the stack is empty       
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-stack.out

luca-stack: 24 steps compiled
luca-stack: stck 3
luca-stack: stck 2
luca-stack: stck 1
luca-stack: stck
luca-stack: stck 3
luca-stack: stck 2
luca-stack: stck 1
luca-stack: stck 3
luca-stack: stck 2
luca-stack: stck 1
luca-stack: stck
luca-stack: stck 3
luca-stack: stck 1
luca-stack: stck

FIXME fifo bug FIXME

Example 28: fifo

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-fifo.scr

fifo 3 %fifo        # fifo declaration 
post %fifo 1         # insert a value, fifo = 1
post %fifo 2         # insert a value, fifo = 1 2
post %fifo 3         # insert a value, fifo = 1 2 3
slog "fifo " %fifo   
     # prints the fifo value and remove it, fifo = 2 3       
slog "fifo " %fifo   
     # prints the fifo value and remove it, fifo = 3
slog "fifo " %fifo   
     # prints the fifo value and remove it, fifo =      
slog "fifo " %fifo   
     # prints an empty value: the fifo is empty      

post %fifo 1 2 3     # multiple post, fifo = 1 2 3
slog "fifo " %fifo   
     # prints the fifo value and remove it, fifo = 2 3        
slog "fifo " %fifo   
     # prints the fifo value and remove it, fifo = 3
slog "fifo " %fifo   
     # prints the fifo value and remove it, fifo =      

post %fifo 1 2 3 4   # too many elements: the fifo has size 3
                     # the fourth value is ignored
slog "fifo " %fifo   # prints 1, fifo = 2 3       
slog "fifo " %fifo   
     # prints the fifo value and remove it, fifo = 3
slog "fifo " %fifo   
     # prints the fifo value and remove it, fifo =      
slog "fifo " %fifo   # prints an empty value: the fifo is empty      

post %fifo 1,2,3     # post: with or without commas
remove %fifo 2       # remove a value from fifo, fifo = 1 3 
remove %fifo 10      
     # does nothing: value not present into the fifo
slog "fifo " %fifo   
     # prints the fifo value and remove it, fifo = 3       
slog "fifo " %fifo   
     # prints the fifo value and remove it, fifo =       
slog "fifo " %fifo   # prints an empty value: the fifo is empty       
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-fifo.out

luca-fifo: 24 steps compiled
luca-fifo: fifo 1
luca-fifo: fifo 2
luca-fifo: fifo
luca-fifo: fifo
luca-fifo: fifo 1
luca-fifo: fifo 2
luca-fifo: fifo
luca-fifo: fifo 1
luca-fifo: fifo 2
luca-fifo: fifo
luca-fifo: fifo
luca-fifo: fifo 1
luca-fifo: fifo
luca-fifo: fifo

The sequence structure is also dynamic, but doesn't remove a value after using it: when the last element is used, the next referenced is the first again. So from a not empty sequence is always possible getting values. With instructions post and remove is possible to add/remove values to/from sequence.

Example 29: sequence

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-sequence.scr

sequence 3 %seq     # sequence declaration 
post %seq 1         # insert a value, seq = 1
post %seq 2 3       # insert two values, seq = 1 2 3
slog "seq " %seq    # prints the sequence value 1       
slog "seq " %seq    # prints the sequence value 2       
slog "seq " %seq    # prints the sequence value 3       
slog "seq " %seq    # prints the first value again: 1    
remove %seq 2       # remove a value from sequence
remove %seq 10      # does nothing: value not present
                    # into the sequence
slog "seq " %seq    # prints the sequence value 3       
slog "seq " %seq    # prints the sequence value 1        
slog "seq " %seq    # prints the sequence value 3        

sequence 3 %seq2    # another sequence
post %seq2 1 2 3 4  # too many elements: sequenze has size 3
                    # the fourth element is ignered
slog "seq2 " %seq2    # prints the sequence value 1       
slog "seq2 " %seq2    # prints the sequence value 2       
slog "seq2 " %seq2    # prints the sequence value 3       
slog "seq2 " %seq2    # prints the sequence value 1 not 4       

exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-sequence.out

luca-sequence: 19 steps compiled
luca-sequence: seq 1
luca-sequence: seq 2
luca-sequence: seq 3
luca-sequence: seq 1
luca-sequence: seq 3
luca-sequence: seq 1
luca-sequence: seq 3
luca-sequence: seq2 1
luca-sequence: seq2 2
luca-sequence: seq2 3
luca-sequence: seq2 1


Ccscript array are not dynamic, but have a finite and fixed size. Arrays support three different notation (with array %vett):

Example 30: array

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-array.scr

array 3 %vett        # array declaration 
set %vett.1 10       # setting values  
set %vett.2 20     
set %vett.3 30         
    # basic notation
slog "vett.1 " %vett.1        
slog "vett.2 " %vett.2        
slog "vett.3 " %vett.3        

    # index notation: useful for loops

set %vett.index 1
slog "element with index " %vett.index ": "%vett
set %vett.index 2
slog "element with index " %vett.index ": "%vett
set %vett.index 3
slog "element with index " %vett.index ": "%vett

    # hash notation: still useful for loops

set %tmp 1
slog "vett#%tmp: " %vett#%tmp   
set %tmp 2                      
slog "vett#%tmp: " %vett#%tmp
set %tmp 3
slog "vett#%tmp: " %vett#%tmp
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-array.out

luca-array: 20 steps compiled
luca-array: vett.1 10
luca-array: vett.2 20
luca-array: vett.3 30
luca-array: element with index 1: 10
luca-array: element with index 2: 20
luca-array: element with index 3: 30
luca-array: vett#%tmp: 10
luca-array: vett#%tmp: 20
luca-array: vett#%tmp: 30


A list is a set of variables separated by a token (the default token is `,' and is stored in %script.token). To access the $n{th}$ element there is the %list.n notation.

Example 31: list, definition, access

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-list.scr

set %list1 "a,b,c,d,e"
slog "list1: " %list1
slog "list1 second element: " %list1.2  # direct access
set %list2 "f-g-h-i-l"
slog "list2: " %list2
slog "list2 second element (token ,): " %list2.2   # empty value
set %script.token "-"       # changes the token symbol
slog "list2 second element (token -): " %list2.2   # right value
exit                    # NB: always an exit at end

Output: luca-list.out

luca-list: 9 steps compiled
luca-list: list1: a,b,c,d,e
luca-list: list1 second element: b
luca-list: list2: f-g-h-i-l
luca-list: list2 second element (token ,):
luca-list: list2 second element (token -): g

The fifth line has no value because the token `-' is unrecognized, in the sixth one the output is right because %script.token changed to `-'.

In the package string (use string) there are some useful functions for lists. To create a list from several variables there is the instruction string.pack, so in the following examples lists are also called packed strings.

Example 32: packed string, definition

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-pack1.scr

use string
string.pack %pack1  1 2 3          # basic definition  
slog %pack1
string.pack %pack2 token=- 1 2 3   
     # use "-" instead of dafault = ","
slog %pack2
string.pack %pack3 size=3 1 2 3    
     # with size=3 not enough space for 
slog %pack3                        # all values
string.pack %pack4 prefix="start" suffix="end" 1 2 3 
            # defines a starting and ending values 
slog %pack4
string.pack %pack5 size=20 fill="FILL" 1 2 3 
            # add as many values "FILL" as possible
slog %pack5
string.pack %pack6 size=22 fill="FILL" 1 2 3 
            # add as many values "FILL" as possible
            # the last "FILL" value i trunced by size
slog %pack6

exit                    # NB: always an exit at end

Output: luca-pack1.out

luca-pack1: 14 steps compiled
luca-pack1: 1,2,3
luca-pack1: 1-2-3
luca-pack1: 1,2
luca-pack1: start,1,2,3,end
luca-pack1: 1,2,3,FILL,FILL,FILL
luca-pack1: 1,2,3,FILL,FILL,FILL,F

In the output line there are the results of the different kind of list creation.

The string.pack instruction allows appending, while string.repack and string.clear allow list redefine and list clear respectively.

Example 33: packed string, append, clear, redefine

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-pack2.scr

use string
string.pack %pack  1 2 3          # basic definition  
slog %pack
string.pack %pack  4 5 6          # basic appending  
slog %pack
string.repack token='-' %pack 7 8 9    # basic redefine 
slog %pack
string.clear %pack                # clear the string
slog %pack
exit                    # NB: always an exit at end

Output: luca-pack2.out

luca-pack2: 10 steps compiled
luca-pack2: 1,2,3
luca-pack2: 1,2,3,4,5,6
luca-pack2: 7-8-9

With string.unpack instruction is possible to extract values from a list, while with string.cut values are removed from list too.

Example 34: packed string, get value, remove value

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-pack3.scr

use string
string.pack %pack1  10 20 30    # basic definition  
string.pack token=- %pack2  40 50 60   
slog %pack1 " " %pack2
       # gets 3 values from pack and places into variables
string.unpack %pack1 %v1 %v2 %v3 
slog "v1:"%v1 " v2:" %v2 " v3:" %v3 
       # gets value from pack starting by the second, the first 
       # value is the number 1
string.unpack offset=2 %pack1 %v4 %v5
slog "v4:"%v4 " v5:" %v5 
       # this doesn't work: the token is not the default
string.unpack %pack2 %v4 %v5 %v6
slog "v4: "%v4 " v5:" %v5 " v6:" %v6
       # this work: the token is defined
string.unpack token=- %pack2 %v1 %v2 %v3
slog "v1:"%v1 " v2:" %v2 " v3:" %v3 
       # gets 3 values from pack, places into variables
       # and remove them
string.cut %pack1 %v1 %v2 %v3 
       # now %pack1 is empty
slog "v1:"%v1 " v2:" %v2 " v3:" %v3 " pack1: " %pack1
       # get and remove the second value from %pack2
string.cut token=- offset=2 %pack2 %v5 
slog "v5:"%v5 " pack2: " %pack2
exit                    # NB: always an exit at end

Output: luca-pack3.out

luca-pack3: 17 steps compiled
luca-pack3: 10,20,30 40-50-60
luca-pack3: v1:10 v2:20 v3:30
luca-pack3: v4:20 v5:30
luca-pack3: v4: 40-50-60 v5:30 v6:
luca-pack3: v1:40 v2:50 v3:60
luca-pack3: v1:30 v2:20 v3:10 pack1:
luca-pack3: v5:50 pack2: 40-60


The instruction dup allows the duplication of a data structure.

Example 35: dup

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-dup.scr

sequence 5 %seq     
post %seq  1 2 3 4     # five values in random order
dup %seq %seq2         # sequenze duplication
stack 5 %stck     
post %stck 1 2 3 4     # five values in random order
dup %stck %stck2       # sequenze duplication
slog "original seq: " %seq " original stack: " %stck
slog "seq:" %seq " seq2:" %seq2 " stck:" %stck " stck2:" %stck2
slog "seq:" %seq " seq2:" %seq2 " stck:" %stck " stck2:" %stck2
slog "seq:" %seq " seq2:" %seq2 " stck:" %stck " stck2:" %stck2
slog "seq:" %seq " seq2:" %seq2 " stck:" %stck " stck2:" %stck2
exit                    # NB: always an exit at end

Output: luca-dup.out

luca-dup: 12 steps compiled
luca-dup: original seq: 1 original stack: 4
luca-dup: seq:2 seq2:1 stck:3 stck2:4
luca-dup: seq:3 seq2:2 stck:2 stck2:3
luca-dup: seq:4 seq2:3 stck:1 stck2:2
luca-dup: seq:1 seq2:4 stck: stck2:1


A Ccscript property is basically a function applied to a variable using the dot notation; this property function can return an internal value, like the maximun size of dynamic structure, or something else. Many property are defined into external package, so there's the need to import them (use package).


The type and size property get the basic information about data structures or variables.

Example 36: type, size

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-typesize.scr

use date
use time
use string
set %v1 10
set %v2 text %v3 20031225
set.time %v4 115700
slog "number v1,val: "%v1 " type: " %v1.type ", size:" %v1.size
slog "string v2,val: "%v2 " type: " %v2.type ", size:" %v2.size
slog "date v3,val: "%v3 " type: " %v3.type ", size:" %v3.size
slog "time v4,val: "%v4 " type: " %v4.type ", size:" %v4.size

sequence 3 %v5
fifo 4 %v6
stack 5 %v7
array 6 %v8  
string.pack %v9 1 2 3
counter %v10
slog "sequence v5 type: " %v5.type ", size: " %v5.size
slog "fifo v6 type: " %v6.type ", size: " %v6.size
slog "stack v7 type: " %v7.type ", size: " %v7.size
slog "array v8 type: " %v8.type ", size: " %v8.size
slog "pack v9 type: " %v9.type ", size: " %v9.size
slog "counter v10 type: " %v10.type " size: " %v10.size
exit                    # NB: always an exit at end

Output: luca-typesize.out

luca-typesize: 24 steps compiled
luca-typesize: number v1,val: 10 type: string, size:64
luca-typesize: string v2,val: text type: string, size:64
luca-typesize: date v3,val: 12/25/2003 type: string, size:10
luca-typesize: time v4,val: 11:57:00 type: string, size:8
luca-typesize: sequence v5 type: sequence, size: 62
luca-typesize: fifo v6 type: fifo, size: 61
luca-typesize: stack v7 type: stack, size: 60
luca-typesize: array v8 type:
luca-typesize: pack v9 type: string, size: 64
luca-typesize: counter v10 type: counter size: 11


In the date package there are some useful properties to get year, month, day values or day name.

FIXME (monthof) FIXME

Example 37: date

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-dateProp.scr

use date %dayDate "20031225"           # Chrismas 2003
slog "dayDate: " %dayDate
slog " " %dayDate.monthof " " %dayDate.weekday
slog %dayDate.year " " %dayDate.month " "
set %dayStr "20031225"           # Chrismas 2003
slog "dayStr: " %dayStr
slog " " %dayStr.monthof " " %dayStr.weekday
slog %dayStr.year " " %dayStr.month " "
exit                      # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-dateProp.out

luca-dateProp: 12 steps compiled
luca-dateProp: dayDate 12/25/2003
luca-dateProp: string 10 10
luca-dateProp: 20031225 20031225 thursday
luca-dateProp: 2003 12 25
luca-dateProp: dayStr 20031225
luca-dateProp: string 8 64
luca-dateProp: 20031225 20031225 thursday
luca-dateProp: 2003 12 25


In the time package there are some useful properties to get hour, minute, second values.

Example 38: time

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-timeProp.scr

use time
set.time %nowTime "115740"           # a time
slog "nowTime " %nowTime
slog %nowTime.time
slog %nowTime.hour " " %nowTime.minute " " %nowTime.second
set %nowStr "125740"           # a time
slog "nowStr " %nowStr
slog %nowStr.hour " " %nowStr.minute " " %nowStr.second
exit                      # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-timeProp.out

luca-timeProp: 9 steps compiled
luca-timeProp: nowTime 11:57:40
luca-timeProp: 115740
luca-timeProp: 11 57 40
luca-timeProp: nowStr 125740
luca-timeProp: 12 57 40


In the string package there are some useful properties to uppercase, lowercase and capitalize a string.

Example 39: string

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-stringProp.scr

use string
set %var "abcd"           # a generic variable
slog "uppecase: " %var.upper
set %var "ABCD"
slog "lowercase: " %var.lower
set %var "abcd"
slog "capitalize: " %var.capitalize
set %var "  abcd  "       # with spaces
slog "with spaces:-" %var "-"
slog "without spaces:-" %var.trim "-"
exit                      # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-stringProp.out

luca-stringProp: 11 steps compiled
luca-stringProp: uppecase: ABCD
luca-stringProp: lowercase: abcd
luca-stringProp: capitalize: Abcd
luca-stringProp: with spaces:-  abcd  -
luca-stringProp: without spaces:-abcd-


The property each of package digits creates a list of all digits of a string.

Example 40: each

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-each.scr

use digits
set %str "ccscript"
set %list %str.each
slog "list of digits: " %list
exit                    # NB: always an exit at end

Output: luca-each.out

luca-each: 5 steps compiled
luca-each: list of digits: c,c,s,c,r,i,p,t

Conditional structures, loops

In this section there are examples for basic loops, conditional structures and conditional loops.

Finite loops

To loop n times there are the following instructions:

these instructions are all closed by the instruction loop.

Example 41: repeat

Testing environment: Ccscript

Source: luca-repeat.scr

counter %count
repeat 3           # loop without index or condition 
  slog "counter: " %count
loop               # closes the loop
exit               # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-repeat.out

luca-repeat: 5 steps compiled
luca-repeat: counter: 1
luca-repeat: counter: 2
luca-repeat: counter: 3

Example 42: for

Testing environment: Ccscript

Source: luca-for.scr

for %index 1 2 3 4 a b string       # any value
  slog "index: " %index
loop                 # closes the loop
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-for.out

luca-for: 4 steps compiled
luca-for: index: 1
luca-for: index: 2
luca-for: index: 3
luca-for: index: 4
luca-for: index: a
luca-for: index: b
luca-for: index: string

Example 43: foreach

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-foreach.scr

use string   # to use packed string
foreach %index "1,2,3,4,a,b,string"       # any value
  slog "index: " %index
loop                 # closes the loop

string.pack %pack 5 6 7 c d "any value"       
slog "with packed string: " %pack
foreach %index %pack
  slog "index: " %index
loop                 # closes the loop
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-foreach.out

luca-foreach: 10 steps compiled
luca-foreach: index: 1
luca-foreach: index: 2
luca-foreach: index: 3
luca-foreach: index: 4
luca-foreach: index: a
luca-foreach: index: b
luca-foreach: index: string
luca-foreach: with packed string: 5,6,7,c,d,any value
luca-foreach: index: 5
luca-foreach: index: 6
luca-foreach: index: 7
luca-foreach: index: c
luca-foreach: index: d
luca-foreach: index: any value


Ccscript conditions are of two types: numerical ones and string ones.

The numerical conditions are:

The next two examples have the same output.

Example 44: numerical conditions

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-cond1.scr

for %index 1 2 3 4        # any value
  slog "index " %index
  if %index -eq 1 then slog "index equals 1"
  if %index -ne 1 then slog "index not equals 1"
  if %index -lt 3 then slog "index less than 3"
  if %index -le 3 then slog "index less equal 3"
  if %index -ge 2 then slog "index greater equal 2"
  if %index -gt 2 then slog "index greater than 2"
loop                 # closes the loop
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-cond1.out

luca-cond1: 16 steps compiled
luca-cond1: index 1
luca-cond1: index equals 1
luca-cond1: index less than 3
luca-cond1: index less equal 3
luca-cond1: index 2
luca-cond1: index not equals 1
luca-cond1: index less than 3
luca-cond1: index less equal 3
luca-cond1: index greater equal 2
luca-cond1: index 3
luca-cond1: index not equals 1
luca-cond1: index less equal 3
luca-cond1: index greater equal 2
luca-cond1: index greater than 2
luca-cond1: index 4
luca-cond1: index not equals 1
luca-cond1: index greater equal 2
luca-cond1: index greater than 2

Example 45: numerical conditions, symbols

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-cond2.scr

for %index 1 2 3 4        # any value
  slog "index " %index
  if %index = 1 then slog "index equals 1"
  if %index <> 1 then slog "index not equals 1"
  if %index < 3 then slog "index less than 3"
  if %index <= 3 then slog "index less equal 3"
  if %index >= 2 then slog "index greater equal 2"
  if %index > 2 then slog "index greater than 2"
loop                 # closes the loop
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-cond2.out

luca-cond2: 16 steps compiled
luca-cond2: index 1
luca-cond2: index equals 1
luca-cond2: index less than 3
luca-cond2: index less equal 3
luca-cond2: index 2
luca-cond2: index not equals 1
luca-cond2: index less than 3
luca-cond2: index less equal 3
luca-cond2: index greater equal 2
luca-cond2: index 3
luca-cond2: index not equals 1
luca-cond2: index less equal 3
luca-cond2: index greater equal 2
luca-cond2: index greater than 2
luca-cond2: index 4
luca-cond2: index not equals 1
luca-cond2: index greater equal 2
luca-cond2: index greater than 2

The string conditions are:

The next two examples have the same output.

Example 46: string conditions

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-cond3.scr

for %index a aa bb cc       # any value
  slog "index " %index
  if %index .eq. a then slog "index equals a"
  if %index .ne. a then slog "index not equals a"
  if %index $< aab then slog "index is a prefix of aab"
  if %index $> cbb then slog "index is a suffix of cbb"
loop                 # closes the loop
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-cond3.out

luca-cond3: 12 steps compiled
luca-cond3: index a
luca-cond3: index equals a
luca-cond3: index is a prefix of aab
luca-cond3: index aa
luca-cond3: index not equals a
luca-cond3: index is a prefix of aab
luca-cond3: index bb
luca-cond3: index not equals a
luca-cond3: index is a suffix of cbb
luca-cond3: index cc
luca-cond3: index not equals a

Example 47: string conditions, symbols

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-cond4.scr

for %index a aa bb cc       # any value
  slog "index " %index
  if %index == a then slog "index equals a"
  if %index != a then slog "index not equals a"
  if %index $+ aab then slog "index is a prefix of aab"
  if %index $- cbb then slog "index is a suffix of cbb"
loop                 # closes the loop
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-cond4.out

luca-cond4: 12 steps compiled
luca-cond4: index a
luca-cond4: index equals a
luca-cond4: index not equals a
luca-cond4: index is a prefix of aab
luca-cond4: index aa
luca-cond4: index not equals a
luca-cond4: index is a prefix of aab
luca-cond4: index bb
luca-cond4: index not equals a
luca-cond4: index is a suffix of cbb
luca-cond4: index cc
luca-cond4: index not equals a

For strings Ccscript allows a case sensitive condition:

Example 48: string conditions, case sensitive

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-cond5.scr

for %index aa AA "aa bb" "bb aa" "AA bb" "b aa b" "b aaa"
  slog "index " %index
  if aa $ %index then slog "index contains aa"
loop                 # closes the loop
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-cond5.out

luca-cond5: 6 steps compiled
luca-cond5: index aa
luca-cond5: index contains aa
luca-cond5: index AA
luca-cond5: index aa bb
luca-cond5: index contains aa
luca-cond5: index bb aa
luca-cond5: index contains aa
luca-cond5: index AA bb
luca-cond5: index b aa b
luca-cond5: index contains aa
luca-cond5: index b aaa
luca-cond5: index contains aa

Two or more conditions can be composed using the operators and and or.

Example 49: conditions, and, or

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-cond6.scr

for %index 1 2 3 4        # any value
  slog "index " %index
  if %index -eq 1 or %index -eq 3 then slog "index is odd"
  if %index -gt 1 and %index -lt 4 then slog "index is 2 or 3"
loop                 # closes the loop
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-cond6.out

luca-cond6: 8 steps compiled
luca-cond6: index 1
luca-cond6: index is odd
luca-cond6: index 2
luca-cond6: index is 2 or 3
luca-cond6: index 3
luca-cond6: index is odd
luca-cond6: index is 2 or 3
luca-cond6: index 4

Conditional structures

Ccscript has two conditional structures:

Example 50: if

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-if.scr

for %index 1 2 3 4        # any value
  if %index -eq 4 then slog "index is 4"    
      # single line statement
  if %index -eq 1 or %index -eq 3 
  then         # in this block as many statement as we wish
    slog "index " %index
    slog "index is odd"
    slog "index " %index
    slog "index is even"
loop                 # closes the loop
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-if.out

luca-if: 13 steps compiled
luca-if: index 1
luca-if: index is odd
luca-if: index 2
luca-if: index is even
luca-if: index 3
luca-if: index is odd
luca-if: index is 4
luca-if: index 4
luca-if: index is even

In the following example there is a case with mutual exclusive condition:

Example 51: case, mutual exclusive conditions

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-case1.scr

for %index 0 1 2 3 4        # any value
  case %index -eq 1 or %index -eq 3 
    slog "index " %index
    slog "index is odd"
  case %index -eq 2 or %index -eq 4 
    slog "index " %index
    slog "index is even"
    slog "index " %index " is null"
loop                 # closes the loop
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-case1.out

e1: 12 steps compiled
luca-case1: index 0 is null
luca-case1: index 1
luca-case1: index is odd
luca-case1: index 2
luca-case1: index is even
luca-case1: index 3
luca-case1: index is odd
luca-case1: index 4
luca-case1: index is even

In the following example there is a case without mutual exclusive condition:

Example 52: case, overlap conditions

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-case2.scr

for %index 0 1 2 3 4        # any value
  slog "index " %index
  case %index -eq 1 or %index -eq 4 
    slog "index is a square"
  case %index -eq 1 or %index -eq 3 
    slog "index is odd"
  case %index -eq 2 or %index -eq 4 
    slog "index is even"
loop                 # closes the loop
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-case2.out

luca-case2: 11 steps compiled
luca-case2: index 0
luca-case2: index 1
luca-case2: index is a square
luca-case2: index 2
luca-case2: index is even
luca-case2: index 3
luca-case2: index is odd
luca-case2: index 4
luca-case2: index is a square

By output it's possible to see that in the case structure when one condition is true all other condition are ignored.

Conditional loops

To make loop with initial and/or end conditions Ccscript has do loop structure:

The loop instruction supports conditions with commands for, foreach and repear, but in these cases is often used without condition.

Example 53: do condition loop

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-doloop1.scr

set %index 0
do %index -lt 4    # condition before loop
  slog "index: " %index
  inc %index
loop               # closes the loop

do %index -lt 4    # can be never execuded
  slog "index: " %index
  inc %index
loop               # closes the loop
exit               # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-doloop1.out

luca-doloop1: 10 steps compiled
luca-doloop1: index: 0
luca-doloop1: index: 1
luca-doloop1: index: 2
luca-doloop1: index: 3

Example 54: do loop condition

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-doloop2.scr

set %index 0
do                   # no condition before loop
  slog "index: " %index
  inc %index
loop %index -lt 4    # condition after loop

do                   # always execuded at least once
  slog "index: " %index
  inc %index
loop %index -lt 4    # condition aftere loop
exit               # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-doloop2.out

luca-doloop2: 10 steps compiled
luca-doloop2: index: 0
luca-doloop2: index: 1
luca-doloop2: index: 2
luca-doloop2: index: 3
luca-doloop2: index: 4

Example 55: do condition loop condition

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-doloop3.scr

set %index1 0
set %index2 10
do  %index1 -lt 5    # condition before loop
  slog "index1: " %index1 " index2: " %index2
  inc %index1
  dec %index2
loop %index2 -gt 5    # condition after loop

exit               # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-doloop3.out

luca-doloop3: 8 steps compiled
luca-doloop3: index1: 0 index2: 10
luca-doloop3: index1: 1 index2: 9
luca-doloop3: index1: 2 index2: 8
luca-doloop3: index1: 3 index2: 7
luca-doloop3: index1: 4 index2: 6

Loop override

Every Ccscript loop behavior can be forced with two instruction:

Both instruction can have a condition.

Example 56: break, continue

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-breakcontinue.scr

for %index 1 2 3 4 5   # any value
  slog "before break and continue index: " %index
  if %index -eq 2
     slog "continue match"
     continue        # continue with no condition
  if %index -eq 3
     slog "break match"
     break           # break with no condition
  slog "after break and continue index: " %index
loop                 # closes the loop
slog "Second loop"
for %index 1 2 3 4 5   # any value
  slog "before break and continue index: " %index
  continue %index -eq 2  # continue with a condition
  break %index -eq 3     # break with a condition
  slog "after break and continue index: " %index
loop                 # closes the loop
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-breakcontinue.out

luca-breakcontinue: 22 steps compiled
luca-breakcontinue: before break and continue index: 1
luca-breakcontinue: after break and continue index: 1
luca-breakcontinue: before break and continue index: 2
luca-breakcontinue: continue match
luca-breakcontinue: before break and continue index: 3
luca-breakcontinue: break match
luca-breakcontinue: Second loop
luca-breakcontinue: before break and continue index: 1
luca-breakcontinue: after break and continue index: 1
luca-breakcontinue: before break and continue index: 2
luca-breakcontinue: before break and continue index: 3

From output it's important to note that:

Labels and jumps

Ccscript supports two kind of labels, one defined with label instruction, the other defined with ::label syntax.


Label defined with label instruction can be used with skip instruction.

Example 57: label, skip

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-labelskip.scr

set %index 0  
label lab1          # label definition
slog "after lab1"
label lab2          # label definition
slog "after lab2"
label lab3          # label definition
slog "after lab3"
slog ""             # empty line
inc %index          # counts the loop
if %index -eq 1 then skip lab1
if %index -eq 2 then skip lab2
if %index -eq 3 then skip lab3
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-labelskip.out

luca-labelskip: 16 steps compiled
luca-labelskip: after lab1
luca-labelskip: after lab2
luca-labelskip: after lab3
luca-labelskip: after lab1
luca-labelskip: after lab2
luca-labelskip: after lab3
luca-labelskip: after lab2
luca-labelskip: after lab3
luca-labelskip: after lab3

The output shows this kind of loop.


Label defined with ::label syntax can be used with goto and gosub instructions.

Example 58: label, goto

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-labelgoto.scr

  set %index 0
  goto ::lab1
::lab1        # label definition
  slog "after lab1"
  goto ::lab2
::lab2        # label definition
  slog "after lab2"
  goto ::lab3
::lab3        # label definition
  slog "after lab3"
  goto ::common
  slog ""
  inc %index  
  if %index -eq 1 then goto ::lab1
  if %index -eq 2 then goto ::lab2
  if %index -eq 3 then goto ::lab3
exit           # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-labelgoto.out

luca-labelgoto: 2 steps compiled
luca-labelgoto::lab1: 2 steps compiled
luca-labelgoto::lab2: 2 steps compiled
luca-labelgoto::lab3: 2 steps compiled
luca-labelgoto::common: 9 steps compiled
luca-labelgoto::lab1: after lab1
luca-labelgoto::lab2: after lab2
luca-labelgoto::lab3: after lab3
luca-labelgoto::lab1: after lab1
luca-labelgoto::lab2: after lab2
luca-labelgoto::lab3: after lab3
luca-labelgoto::lab2: after lab2
luca-labelgoto::lab3: after lab3
luca-labelgoto::lab3: after lab3

The output shows again a kind of loop.

The goto instruction supports variable assignment too.

Example 59: label, goto/2

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-labelgoto2.scr

  set %index 0
  set %string first
  goto ::lab1
::lab1        # label definition
  slog "after lab1"
  goto ::lab2
::lab2        # label definition
  slog "after lab2"
  goto ::lab3
::lab3        # label definition
  slog "after lab3"
  goto ::common
  slog "string: " %string
  inc %index  
  if %index -eq 1 then goto ::lab1 %string="second"
  if %index -eq 2 then goto ::lab2 %string="third"
  if %index -eq 3 then goto ::lab3 %string="fourth"
exit           # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-labelgoto2.out

luca-labelgoto2: 3 steps compiled
luca-labelgoto2::lab1: 2 steps compiled
luca-labelgoto2::lab2: 2 steps compiled
luca-labelgoto2::lab3: 2 steps compiled
luca-labelgoto2::common: 9 steps compiled
luca-labelgoto2::lab1: after lab1
luca-labelgoto2::lab2: after lab2
luca-labelgoto2::lab3: after lab3
luca-labelgoto2::common: string: first
luca-labelgoto2::lab1: after lab1
luca-labelgoto2::lab2: after lab2
luca-labelgoto2::lab3: after lab3
luca-labelgoto2::common: string: second
luca-labelgoto2::lab2: after lab2
luca-labelgoto2::lab3: after lab3
luca-labelgoto2::common: string: third
luca-labelgoto2::lab3: after lab3
luca-labelgoto2::common: string: fourth

The if structure support implicit goto ::label statement.

Example 60: label, if

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-labelif.scr

  set %index 0
  goto ::lab1
::lab1        # label definition
  slog "after lab1"
  goto ::lab2
::lab2        # label definition
  slog "after lab2"
  goto ::lab3
::lab3        # label definition
  slog "after lab3"
  goto ::common
  inc %index  
  if %index -eq 1 ::lab1
  if %index -eq 2 ::lab2
  if %index -eq 3 ::lab3
exit           # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-labelif.out

luca-labelif::lab1: 2 steps compiled
luca-labelif::lab2: 2 steps compiled
luca-labelif::lab3: 2 steps compiled
luca-labelif::common: 5 steps compiled
luca-labelif::lab1: after lab1
luca-labelif::lab2: after lab2
luca-labelif::lab3: after lab3
luca-labelif::lab1: after lab1
luca-labelif::lab2: after lab2
luca-labelif::lab3: after lab3
luca-labelif::lab2: after lab2
luca-labelif::lab3: after lab3
luca-labelif::lab3: after lab3

From output it's possible to that there is a goto behavior without a got statement.


The structure gosub ::label ...return supports subroutines, with parameter passing and supporting return values.

The basic structure is the following (where only global params are used):

Example 61: gosub, global params

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-gosub.scr

counter count        # counter is global
call ::routine
call ::routine
call ::routine
slog "local: " %local # empty value: it's local...
exit           # NB: always an exit at the end

  set %local %count    # local to subroutine
  slog "counter: " %local

Output: luca-gosub.out

luca-gosub: 6 steps compiled
luca-gosub::routine: 3 steps compiled
luca-gosub::routine: counter: 1
luca-gosub::routine: counter: 2
luca-gosub::routine: counter: 3
luca-gosub: local:

To use returning value in the return statement:

Example 62: gosub, ret value

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-gosub2.scr

counter count        # counter is global
call ::routine
slog "ret value: " %ret " localvar: " %localvar   
      # %localvar is empty   
call ::routine
slog "ret value: " %ret " localvar: " %localvar   
      # %localvar is empty   
call ::routine
slog "ret value: " %ret " localvar: " %localvar   
      # %localvar is empty   
exit           # NB: always an exit at the end

  set %localvar %count    # local to subroutine
  return %ret=%localvar

Output: luca-gosub2.out

luca-gosub2: 8 steps compiled
luca-gosub2::routine: 2 steps compiled
luca-gosub2: ret value: 1 localvar:
luca-gosub2: ret value: 2 localvar:
luca-gosub2: ret value: 3 localvar:

To use local params:

Example 63: gosub, local params

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-gosub3.scr

call ::routine %par=1
slog "value of par:" %par  # empty value
call ::routine %par=2
slog "value of par:" %par  # empty value
call ::routine %par=3
slog "value of par:" %par  # empty value
exit           # NB: always an exit at the end

  set %local %par    # local to subroutine
  slog "local: " %local

Output: luca-gosub3.out

luca-gosub3: 7 steps compiled
luca-gosub3::routine: 3 steps compiled
luca-gosub3::routine: local: 1
luca-gosub3: value of par:
luca-gosub3::routine: local: 2
luca-gosub3: value of par:
luca-gosub3::routine: local: 3
luca-gosub3: value of par:


Using subroutine changes the scope of local variables:

Example 64: local and global variables

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1

Source: luca-scope.scr

set %global "global from main"
gosub ::routine
slog "global     : " %global
slog "local.var  : " %localvar     # empty
slog "global.var : " %global.var   # with a value
exit           # NB: always an exit at the end

                # local scope variable
  set %localvar "local variable from routine" 
                # global scope variable
  set %global.var "global variable from routine" 
  slog "global     : " %global
  slog "local.var  : " %localvar
  slog "global.var : " %global.var

Output: luca-scope.out

luca-scope: 6 steps compiled
luca-scope::routine: 6 steps compiled
luca-scope::routine: global     : global from main
luca-scope::routine: local.var  : local variable from routine
luca-scope::routine: global.var : global variable from routine
luca-scope: global     : global from main
luca-scope: local.var  :
luca-scope: global.var : global variable from routine

Variable defined within a subroutine is in local scope, so out of the subroutine scope the variable is undefined.


Ccscript is event driven scripting language. An event is something that happens out of the normal processing flow. When an event happens, the corresponding event handler, if present, is called.


Hangup is one of the most important Bayonne's event, it notifies when a phone call ends by user.

Example 65: Hangup

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-hangup.scr

repeat 3
  slog "pause 5 second: hangup to exit"
  sleep 5
loop                 # closes the loop
slog "after loop: exit"
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

   slog "hangup event: exit"

Output: luca-hangup.out

without giving a Hangup

dummy(0): luca-hangup: pause 5 second: hangup to exit
dummy(0): luca-hangup: pause 5 second: hangup to exit
dummy(0): luca-hangup: pause 5 second: hangup to exit
dummy(0): luca-hangup: after loop: exit

giving a HangUp

dummy(0): luca-hangup: pause 5 second: hangup to exit
dummy(0): luca-hangup: pause 5 second: hangup to exit
dummy0: hangup...
dummy(0): luca-hangup: hangup event: exit

With Dummy driver to generate a hangup event is necessary to hit `H' key.


Every key pressed on the phone keyboard generates two events: a general one (dtmf) and a specific one (0...9, star, pound).

The dtmf event notifies when a key is pressed (every key from phone keyboard):

Example 66: input dtmf

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-input-dtmf.scr

  sleep 5
loop                 # closes the loop
slog "after loop: exit"
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

   slog "dtmf received"
   goto luca-input-dtmf   # loops to start
   slog "hangup event: exit"

Output: luca-input-dtmf.out

dummy0: digit 1...
dummy(0): luca-input-dtmf: dtmf received
dummy0: digit 2...
dummy(0): luca-input-dtmf: dtmf received
dummy0: digit 3...
dummy(0): luca-input-dtmf: dtmf received
dummy0: digit 4...
dummy(0): luca-input-dtmf: dtmf received
dummy0: digit 5...
dummy(0): luca-input-dtmf: dtmf received
dummy0: digit 6...
dummy(0): luca-input-dtmf: dtmf received
dummy0: digit 7...
dummy(0): luca-input-dtmf: dtmf received
dummy0: digit 8...
dummy(0): luca-input-dtmf: dtmf received
dummy0: digit 9...
dummy(0): luca-input-dtmf: dtmf received
dummy0: digit 0...
dummy(0): luca-input-dtmf: dtmf received
dummy0: digit #...
dummy(0): luca-input-dtmf: dtmf received
dummy0: digit *...
dummy(0): luca-input-dtmf: dtmf received
dummy0: hangup...
dummy(0): luca-input-dtmf: hangup event: exit

To get this output press all the phone keys, then hangup.

To notify for specific input tone there are events 0...9, pound, star (for input 0...9, `#', `*' respectively).

Example 67: input single tone

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-input-single.scr

  sleep 5
loop                 # closes the loop
slog "after loop: exit"
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

   slog "tone 0 received"
   goto luca-input-single   # loops to start
   slog "tone 1 received"
   goto luca-input-single   # loops to start
   slog "tone 2 received"
   goto luca-input-single   # loops to start
   slog "tone 3 received"
   goto luca-input-single   # loops to start
   slog "tone 4 received"
   goto luca-input-single   # loops to start
   slog "tone 5 received"
   goto luca-input-single   # loops to start
   slog "tone 6 received"
   goto luca-input-single   # loops to start
   slog "tone 7 received"
   goto luca-input-single   # loops to start
   slog "tone 8 received"
   goto luca-input-single   # loops to start
   slog "tone 9 received"
   goto luca-input-single   # loops to start
   slog "tone # received"
   goto luca-input-single   # loops to start
   slog "tone * received"
   goto luca-input-single   # loops to start
   slog "hangup event: exit"

Output: luca-input-single.out

dummy0: digit 1...
dummy(0): luca-input-single: tone 1 received
dummy0: digit 2...
dummy(0): luca-input-single: tone 2 received
dummy0: digit 3...
dummy(0): luca-input-single: tone 3 received
dummy0: digit 4...
dummy(0): luca-input-single: tone 4 received
dummy0: digit 5...
dummy(0): luca-input-single: tone 5 received
dummy0: digit 6...
dummy(0): luca-input-single: tone 6 received
dummy0: digit 7...
dummy(0): luca-input-single: tone 7 received
dummy0: digit 8...
dummy(0): luca-input-single: tone 8 received
dummy0: digit 9...
dummy(0): luca-input-single: tone 9 received
dummy0: digit 0...
dummy(0): luca-input-single: tone 0 received
dummy0: digit *...
dummy(0): luca-input-single: tone * received
dummy0: digit #...
dummy(0): luca-input-single: tone # received
dummy0: hangup...
dummy(0): luca-input-single: hangup event: exit

To get this output press all the phone keys, then hangup.


Event handler have specific scope, so using labels like ::label implies event handler redefinition.

Example 68: event scope

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-eventScope.scr

repeat 3
  slog "pause 3 second: press 1 or hangup"
  sleep 3
loop                 # closes the loop
slog "after first loop"
goto ::loop2

   slog "tone 1 received"
   goto ::loop2       
   slog "hangup event: exit"
repeat 3
  slog "pause 3 second: press 2 or hangup"
  sleep 3
loop                 # closes the loop
slog "after second loop"
exit                 # NB: always an exit at the end

   slog "tone 2 received"
   slog "hangup event: exit"

Output: luca-eventScope.out

dummy(0): luca-eventScope: pause 3 second: press 1 or hangup
dummy0: digit 2...
dummy(0): luca-eventScope: pause 3 second: press 1 or hangup
dummy0: digit 1...
dummy(0): luca-eventScope: tone 1 received
dummy(0): luca-eventScope::loop2: pause 3 second: press 2 
          or hangup
dummy0: digit 1...
dummy(0): luca-eventScope::loop2: pause 3 second: press 2 
          or hangup
dummy0: digit 2...
dummy(0): luca-eventScope::loop2: tone 2 received

In this example output is important to note that:

Timeout event

A ^timeout event occours when timed operation timed out; there are examples in the next sections:

Time event

Bayonne lets program an event timeout from calling time or current time, the called event is ^time. To set the timeout:

If the ^time event is non handled by script, sync.start and sync.current do nothing, sync.exit instead calls ^hangup event (if ^hangup is missig the script exits).

Here how to use sync.exit sec and ^time:

Example 69: sync.exit, time event

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5,Bayonne 1.2.8

Source: luca-event-time1.scr

slog "timeout in 3 seconds from " %session.starttime
sync.exit 3
sleep 5
slog "normal exit"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end
  slog %session.time " timeout reached: exit"

Output: luca-event-time1.out

dummy(0): luca-event_time1: timeout in 3 seconds from 170705
dummy(0): luca-event_time1: 170708 timeout reached: exit

Here with sync.exit sec only, without ^time:

Example 70: sync.exit only

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5,Bayonne 1.2.8

Source: luca-event-time2.scr

slog "timeout in 3 seconds from " %session.starttime
sync.exit 3
sleep 4
slog "normal exit"
exit               # NB: always an exit at the end
   slog "hangup signal received"

Output: luca-event-time2.out

dummy(0): luca-event_time2: timeout in 3 seconds from 170925
dummy(0): luca-event_time2: hangup signal received

By output it's possible to see that the ^hangup is called because ^time is missing.

Example 71: sync.start, time event

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5,Bayonne 1.2.8

Source: luca-event-time3.scr

slog "timeout in 3 seconds from " %session.starttime
sync.start 3
sleep 5
slog "normal exit"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end
  slog %session.time " timeout reached: exit"

Output: luca-event-time3.out

dummy(0): luca-event_time3: timeout in 3 seconds from 185122
dummy(0): luca-event_time3: 185125 timeout reached: exit

Here with sync.start sec only, without ^time:

Example 72: sync.start only

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5,Bayonne 1.2.8

Source: luca-event-time4.scr

slog "timeout in 3 seconds from " %session.starttime
sync.start 3
sleep 4
slog "normal exit"
exit               # NB: always an exit at the end
   slog "hangup signal received"

Output: luca-event-time4.out

dummy(0): luca-event_time4: timeout in 3 seconds from 185208
dummy(0): luca-event_time4: normal exit

By output it's possible to see that the ^hangup isn't called by ^time miss.

At last sync.current sec and ^time:

Example 73: sync.current, time event

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5,Bayonne 1.2.8

Source: luca-event-time5.scr

slog "start time " %session.starttime
sleep 2
slog "timeout 2 seconds from now: " %session.time
sync.current 2
sleep 4
slog "normal exit"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end
  slog %session.time " timeout reached: exit"

Output: luca-event-time5.out

dummy(0): luca-event_time5: start time 171011
dummy(0): luca-event_time5: timeout 2 seconds from now: 171014
dummy(0): luca-event_time5: 171016 timeout reached: exit

Event ``event''

Bayonne uses the event ^event to interprocess signal notification. See subections 13.2 for the examples.


To perform telephone output Bayonne uses the following instructions:

Audio files must have a particular format and characteristics. Supported formats are '.au' and '.wav'; the audio file must be 8 bit, 8 Khz, mono (these characteristics are due to phone standards).


The play command doesn't need the extension of the file to play, it's determined from the default in the configuration file. The path used by Bayonne to find the audio file changes a lot by syntax used in the play command; often this path change with the values of global variable %session.voice. Assuming that %session.voice has VOICE value, there is (assuming '.au' the default extension):

The play command supports more file to play.

For Bayonne 1.0.x:

Example 74: play /1.0.x

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10

Source: luca-play1.scr

set %session.voice VOICE
play audio         # use the default extension
play      # specific the extension
play audio.wav     # not the default extension
play dir:audio     # path changes
play dir::audio
play prefix=/dir audio
exit                    # NB: always an exit at end

Output: luca-play1.out

/usr/share/aaprompts/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/share/aaprompts/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/share/aaprompts/VOICE/audio.wav: cannot open
/usr/share/aaprompts/VOICE/ cannot open
/home/bayonne/apps/dir/VOICE/ cannot open
/dir/audio: cannot open

For bayonne 1.2.x:

Example 75: play /1.2.x

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-play2.scr

set %session.voice VOICE
play audio         # use the default extension
play      # specific the extension
play audio.wav     # not the default extension
play dir:audio     # path changes
play dir::audio
play prefix=/dir audio
exit                    # NB: always an exit at end

Output: luca-play2.out

/usr/local/share/bayonne/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/local/share/bayonne/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/local/share/bayonne/VOICE/audio.wav: cannot open
/usr/local/share/bayonne/sys/dir/ cannot open
/home/bayonne/dir/VOICE/ cannot open
/dir/audio: cannot open


The speak command can play audio file like play:

For Bayonne 1.0.x:

Example 76: speak /1.0.x

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10

Source: luca-speak1.scr

set %session.voice VOICE
speak audio         # use the default extension
speak      # specific the extension
speak audio.wav     # not the default extension
speak dir:audio     # path changes
speak dir::audio
speak prefix=/dir audio
exit                    # NB: always an exit at end

Output: luca-speak1.out

/usr/share/aaprompts/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/share/aaprompts/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/share/aaprompts/VOICE/audio.wav: cannot open
/usr/share/aaprompts/VOICE/ cannot open
/home/bayonne/apps/dir/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/share/aaprompts/VOICE/ cannot open

For bayonne 1.2.x:

Example 77: speak /1.2.x

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-speak3.scr

set %session.voice VOICE
speak audio         # use the default extension
speak      # specific the extension
speak audio.wav     # not the default extension
speak dir:audio     # path changes
speak dir::audio
speak prefix=/dir audio
exit                    # NB: always an exit at end

Output: luca-speak3.out

/usr/local/share/bayonne/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/local/share/bayonne/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/local/share/bayonne/VOICE/audio.wav: cannot open
/usr/local/share/bayonne/sys/dir/ cannot open
/home/bayonne/dir/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/local/share/bayonne/VOICE/ cannot open

But doesn't support `prefix' directive (as you can see from the last output line).

To play audio file play is better than speak, The speak command is used to compose vocal phrases.

The speak supports a lot of directives (&directive):

Digits, numbers, alphabetic letters used by speak are found (by default) in /usr/share/aaprompts/ (with VOICE subdirectories).

For Bayonne 1.0.x:

Example 78: speak, spell, number /1.0.x

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10

Source: luca-speak2.scr

set %session.voice VOICE
set %var1 123
set %var2 "string"
slog  %var1 " " %var2
speak %var1
speak &number %var1          
speak &spell %var1          
speak %var2          
speak &spell %var2          
exit                    # NB: always an exit at end

Output: luca-speak2.out

dummy(0): luca-speak2: 123 string
/usr/share/aaprompts/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/share/aaprompts/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/share/aaprompts/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/share/aaprompts/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/share/aaprompts/VOICE/ cannot open

For Bayonne 1.2.x:

Example 79: speak, spell, number /1.2.x

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-speak4.scr

set %session.voice VOICE
set %var1 123
set %var2 "string"
slog  %var1 " " %var2
speak %var1
speak &number %var1          
speak &spell %var1          
speak %var2          
speak &spell %var2          
exit                    # NB: always an exit at end

Output: luca-speak4.out

/usr/local/share/bayonne/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/local/share/bayonne/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/local/share/bayonne/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/local/share/bayonne/VOICE/ cannot open
/usr/local/share/bayonne/VOICE/ cannot open

By the output it's possible to see that:

Using, for examples, VOICE = UsEngM it's possible to get correct audio output.


Bayonne handles two types of input: audio/voice and keyboard digits. The first one is got with record command, the second one is got with collect command (keyboard digits can be read using events too).


The record command receives audio/voice input and stores it in a file, the audio file created has the same type and format of audio files used by the play command.

The record command has the format: record audio length term with:

By default (of configuration file) recorded files are saved in /var/bayonne for Bayonne 1.0.x ans into /var/lib/bayonne for Bayonne 1.2.x. This path may be overridden via record prefix=/path audio length term.

For Bayonne 1.0.x:

Example 80: record /1.0.x

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10

Source: luca-record.scr

slog "before record: * to end"
record audio1 5 "*"          # /var/bayonne/
slog "after first record"
slog "before record: # to end"
record prefix=/tmp audio2 5 "#"      # /tmp/
slog "after second record"  
exit                  # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-record.out

dummy(0): luca-record: before record: * to end
dummy0: digit *...
dummy(0): luca-record: after first record
dummy(0): luca-record: before record: # to end
dummy0: digit #...
dummy(0): luca-record: after second record

For Bayonne 1.2.x:

Example 81: record /1.2.x

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-record1.scr

slog "before record: * to end"
record audio1 5 "*"      # /var/lib/bayonne/
slog "after first record"
slog "before record: # to end"
record prefix=/tmp audio2 5 "#"      # /tmp/
slog "after second record"  
exit                  # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-record1.out

dummy(0): luca-record: before record: * to end
dummy0: digit *...
dummy(0): luca-record: after first record
dummy(0): luca-record: before record: # to end
dummy0: digit #...
dummy(0): luca-record: after second record

The two recordings end by pressing term keys. You can see the files were created in the appropriate directories.

Changing term keys and specifying audio format:

Example 82: record, au/wav

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-record2.scr

slog "before record: 1 or 2 to end"
record 5 "12"  # 1.0.x: /var/bayonne/
                         # 1.2.x: /var/lib/bayonne/ 
slog "after first record"
slog "before record: 3 or 4 to end"
record prefix=/tmp audio2.wav 5 "34"  # /tmp/audio2.wav
slog "after second record"  
exit                  # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-record2.out

dummy(0): luca-record2: before record: 1 or 2 to end
dummy0: digit 1...
dummy(0): luca-record2: after first record
dummy(0): luca-record2: before record: 3 or 4 to end
dummy0: digit 4...
dummy(0): luca-record2: after second record

The result is very like the previous one.


The collect instruction reads input from phone keyboard. The collect command has the form collect count timeout term ignore with:

The output of the collect instruction is stored in the global variable %session.digits.

Example 83: collect/1

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-collect1.scr

slog "before collect: * end, # ignored"
collect 10 15 "*" "#" 
slog "after collect: digits " %session.digits
exit                  # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-collect1.out

dummy(0): luca-collect1: before collect: * end, # ignored
dummy0: digit 1...
dummy0: digit 2...
dummy0: digit #...
dummy0: digit 3...
dummy0: digit 4...
dummy0: digit 5...
dummy0: digit #...
dummy0: digit 6...
dummy0: digit 7...
dummy0: digit *...
dummy(0): luca-collect1: after collect: digits 1234567

By the output it's to see that all pressed digits are stored in %session.digits but not # ignored and * used for term.

Every digits can be ignored or used to term:

Example 84: collect/2

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-collect2.scr

slog "before collect: # end, 3,4 ignored"
collect 10 15 "#" "34" 
slog "after collect: digits " %session.digits
exit                  # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-collect2.out

dummy(0): luca-collect2: before collect: # end, 3,4 ignored
dummy0: digit 1...
dummy0: digit 2...
dummy0: digit 3...
dummy0: digit 4...
dummy0: digit 5...
dummy0: digit 6...
dummy0: digit *...
dummy0: digit #...
dummy(0): luca-collect2: after collect: digits 1256*

After "count" digits pressed the collect ends:

Example 85: collect/3

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-collect3.scr

slog "before collect: max 10 digits"
collect 10 15 "*" "#" 
slog "after collect: digits " %session.digits
exit                  # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-collect3.out

dummy(0): luca-collect3: before collect: max 10 digits
dummy0: digit 1...
dummy0: digit 2...
dummy0: digit 3...
dummy0: digit 4...
dummy0: digit 5...
dummy0: digit 6...
dummy0: digit 7...
dummy0: digit 8...
dummy0: digit 9...
dummy0: digit 0...
dummy(0): luca-collect3: after collect: digits 1234567890

From the output you can see that the term digit is not pressed.

Waiting "timeout" seconds between two digits the collect ends:

Example 86: collect/4

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-collect4.scr

slog "before collect: max pause interdigit 5 secs"
collect 10 5 "*" "#" 
slog "after collect: digits " %session.digits
exit               # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-collect4.out

dummy(0): luca-collect4: before collect: max pause 
          interdigit 5 secs
dummy0: digit 1...
dummy0: digit 2...
dummy0: digit 3...
dummy0: digit 4...
dummy(0): luca-collect4: after collect: digits 1234

From the output you can see that the term digit is not pressed and the maximum number of digits is not reached.

Using two or more collect, digits in %session.digits are appended and digits of the first collect are counted in the second collect too.

Example 87: collect, append

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-collect5.scr

slog "first  collect"
collect 5 10 "#" "*" 
slog "after collect: digits " %session.digits
slog "second collect"
collect 8 10 "#" "*" 
slog "after collect: digits (append) " %session.digits
exit               # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-collect5.out

dummy(0): luca-collect5: first  collect
dummy0: digit 1...
dummy0: digit 2...
dummy0: digit 3...
dummy0: digit 4...
dummy0: digit #...
dummy(0): luca-collect5: after collect: digits 1234
dummy(0): luca-collect5: second collect
dummy0: digit 9...
dummy0: digit 8...
dummy0: digit 7...
dummy0: digit 6...
dummy(0): luca-collect5: after collect: digits (append) 12349876

The instruction cleardigits clears %session.digits (like clear %session.digits) and let using more collect without problems or digits appending:

Example 88: collect, cleardigits

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-collect6.scr

slog "first  collect"
collect 5 10 "#" "*" 
slog "after collect: digits " %session.digits
slog "digits cleared"
slog "second collect"
collect 8 10 "#" "*" 
slog "after collect: digits " %session.digits
exit               # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-collect6.out

dummy(0): luca-collect6: first  collect
dummy0: digit 1...
dummy0: digit 2...
dummy0: digit 3...
dummy0: digit 4...
dummy0: digit 5...
dummy(0): luca-collect6: after collect: digits 12345
dummy(0): luca-collect6: digits cleared
dummy(0): luca-collect6: second collect
dummy0: digit 8...
dummy0: digit 7...
dummy0: digit 6...
dummy0: digit 5...
dummy0: digit 4...
dummy0: digit 3...
dummy0: digit 2...
dummy0: digit 1...
dummy(0): luca-collect6: after collect: digits 87654321

When the collect's timeout occours, then the ^timeout event is generated (it can be handled or not).

Example 89: collect, timeout

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8

Source: luca-timeout-collect.scr

slog "start collect on time: " %session.time
collect 2 4 "*" "#"
slog "end collect"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

   slog "timeout on time: " %session.time

Output: luca-timeout-collect.out

dummy(0): luca-timeout-collect: start collect on time: 182508
dummy(0): luca-timeout-collect: timeout on time: 182512

This output is obtained without pressing any phone key.

Input with events

As seen in the event section, every phone digits can generate an event, so event handler can be used to read input. Digits values are still stored in %session.digits.

Example 90: input event

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4

Source: luca-input-event.scr

goto ::start
  goto ::start  # infinite loop
  slog "digits " %session.digits
  exit               # NB: always an exit at the end
  goto ::start

Output: luca-input-event.out

dummy0: digit 1...
dummy0: digit 2...
dummy0: digit 3...
dummy0: digit 4...
dummy0: digit *...
dummy0: digit #...
dummy(0): luca-input-event::start: digits 1234*#

The output is very like collect behavior with # term digit (but in this case the # digit is stored in %session.digits).


The TGI module lets Bayonne to interact with external languages like Perl and Python.

The TGI call is made using libexec command in the form:
libexec timeout outscript %param

The default path for external script to be invoked is /usr/libexec/bayonne (Bayonne 1.0.x) or /usr/local/libexec/bayonne (Bayonne 1.2.x).


To exchange data with perl scripts, TGI has two instructions:

A basic perl script is the follow:

# use lib '/usr/libexec/bayonne/';     # 1.0.x
use lib '/usr/local/libexec/bayonne/'; # 1.2.x
use TGI;
$fatt1 = $TGI::QUERY{'var1'};
$fatt2 = $TGI::QUERY{'var2'};
$result = $fatt1*$fatt2;  # any operation
To use this perl script:

Example 91: TGI perl

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4, perl 5.6.1

Source: luca-tgiperl1.scr

set %var1 8
set %var2 7 %var1 " " %var2
libexec 10 %var1 %var2 %res
exit          # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-tgiperl1.out

dummy(0): luca-tgiperl1: 8 7
tgi: query=var1=8&var2=7 
     digits= clid=UNKNOWN dnid=UNKNOWN
fifo: cmd=wait 0 14160
fifo: cmd=SET&0&res&56
fifo: cmd=exit 0 0
dummy(0): luca-tgiperl1: 56

The variables %var1 and %var2 are passed to perl that return %res value.

In this second perl script variables are uppercase too:

# use lib '/usr/libexec/bayonne/';     # 1.0.x
use lib '/usr/local/libexec/bayonne/'; # 1.2.x
use TGI;
$fatt1 = $TGI::QUERY{'Var1'};
$fatt2 = $TGI::QUERY{'Var2'};
$var3 = $TGI::QUERY{'var3'};
$result = $fatt1*$fatt2;  # any operation
The Bayonne becomes:

Example 92: TGI perl, uppercase/lowercase

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4, perl 5.6.1

Source: luca-tgiperl2.scr

set %Var1 8
set %Var2 7
set %var3 10 %Var1 " " %Var2 " " %var3
libexec 20 %Var1 %Var2 %var3 "Res: "%Res "Res2: "%Res2 "result: "%result "result2: "%result2
exit          # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-tgiperl2.out

dummy(0): luca-tgiperl2: 8 7 10
tgi: query=Var1=8&Var2=7&var3=10 
     digits= clid=UNKNOWN dnid=UNKNOWN
fifo: cmd=wait 0 14183
fifo: cmd=SET&0&Res&0
fifo: cmd=SET&0&Res2&10
fifo: cmd=SET&0&result&0
fifo: cmd=SET&0&result2&10
fifo: cmd=exit 0 0
dummy(0): luca-tgiperl2: Res: 0
dummy(0): luca-tgiperl2: Res2: 10
dummy(0): luca-tgiperl2: result: 0
dummy(0): luca-tgiperl2: result2: 10

It's possible to see that:

A perl script can need several seconds to compute its operation:

# use lib '/usr/libexec/bayonne/';     # 1.0.x
use lib '/usr/local/libexec/bayonne/'; # 1.2.x
use TGI;
$fatt1 = $TGI::QUERY{'var1'};
$fatt2 = $TGI::QUERY{'var2'};
$result = $fatt1*$fatt2;  # any operation
The libexec command has a timeout, if timeout is greater than perl script execution time, the results are imported (and printed) correctly:

Example 93: TGI perl, timeout/1

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4, perl 5.6.1

Source: luca-tgiperl3.scr

set %var1 8
set %var2 7 %var1 " " %var2
libexec 20 %var1 %var2 %result
exit          # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-tgiperl3.out

dummy(0): luca-tgiperl3: 8 7
tgi: query=var1=8&var2=7 
     digits= clid=UNKNOWN dnid=UNKNOWN
fifo: cmd=wait 0 14193
fifo: cmd=SET&0&result&56
fifo: cmd=exit 0 0
dummy(0): luca-tgiperl3: 56

If timeout is lesser than perl script execution time, the results aren't imported (and printed) correctly:

Example 94: TGI perl, timeout/2

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.1, Bayonne 1.0.10, Bayonne 1.2.4, perl 5.6.1

Source: luca-tgiperl4.scr

set %var1 8
set %var2 7 %var1 " " %var2
libexec 5 %var1 %var2 "result: "%result
exit          # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-tgiperl4.out

dummy(0): luca-tgiperl4: 8 7
tgi: query=var1=8&var2=7 
     digits= clid=UNKNOWN dnid=UNKNOWN
fifo: cmd=wait 0 14211
fifo: cmd=SET&0&result&56
dummy(0): luca-tgiperl4: result:

From output it's possible to see that the %result value is undefined because the perl script doesn't end before timeout.

The tgi call can generate a ^timeout event:

Example 95: TGI perl, timeout event

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8, perl 5.6.1

Source: luca-timeout-tgi.scr

set %var1 8
set %var2 7 %var1 " " %var2
slog "tgi call on time: " %session.time
libexec 5 %var1 %var2 "result: "%result
exit          # NB: always an exit at the end
   slog "tgi timeout, time: " %session.time

Output: luca-timeout-tgi.out

dummy(0): luca-timeout-tgi: 8 7
dummy(0): luca-timeout-tgi: tgi call on time: 220052
dummy(0): luca-timeout-tgi: timeout time: 220057


To exchange data with python scripts, TGI has two instructions:

A basic perl script is the follow (the python script must be executable with chmod +x

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
#sys.path.insert(0,'/usr/local/libexec/bayonne') # Bayonne 1.0.x
sys.path.insert(0,'/usr/local/libexec/bayonne')  # bayonne 1.2.x
import TGI
v1 = int(TGI.QUERY['var1'])
v2 = int( TGI.QUERY['var2'])
result = v1+v2
To use this perl script:

Example 96: TGI perl

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8, python 1.5.2

Source: luca-tgipython1.scr

set %var1 8
set %var2 7 %var1 " " %var2
libexec 10 %var1 %var2 %res
exit          # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-tgipython1.out

dummy(0): luca-tgipython1: 8 7
tgi: query=var1=8&var2=7 digits= 
fifo: cmd=wait 0 2949
tgi: exec /usr/local/libexec/bayonne/
fifo: cmd=SET&0&res&15
fifo: cmd=exit 0 0
dummy(0): luca-tgipython1: 15

The variables %var1 and %var2 are passed to python that return %res value.

In this second python script variables are uppercase too:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
#sys.path.insert(0,'/usr/local/libexec/bayonne') # Bayonne 1.0.x
sys.path.insert(0,'/usr/local/libexec/bayonne')  # bayonne 1.2.x
import TGI
v1 = int(TGI.QUERY['var1'])
v2 = int( TGI.QUERY['var2'])
result = v1+v2
The Bayonne becomes:

Example 97: TGI python, uppercase/lowercase

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8, python 1.5.2

Source: luca-tgipython2.scr

set %Var1 8
set %Var2 7 %Var1 " " %var2
libexec 20 %Var1 %var2 "Res: "%Res "result: "%result
exit          # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-tgipython2.out

dummy(0): luca-tgipython2: 8 7
tgi: query=Var1=8&var2=7 digits= 
fifo: cmd=wait 0 3041
tgi: exec /usr/local/libexec/bayonne/
fifo: cmd=SET&0&Res&15
fifo: cmd=SET&0&result&15
fifo: cmd=exit 0 0
dummy(0): luca-tgipython2: Res: 15
dummy(0): luca-tgipython2: result: 15

It's possible to see that:

A python script can need several seconds to compute its operation:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import time
#sys.path.insert(0,'/usr/local/libexec/bayonne') # Bayonne 1.0.x
sys.path.insert(0,'/usr/local/libexec/bayonne')  # bayonne 1.2.x
import TGI
v1 = int(TGI.QUERY['var1'])
v2 = int( TGI.QUERY['var2'])
result = v1+v2
The libexec command has a timeout, if timeout is greater than python script execution time, the results are imported (and printed) correctly:

Example 98: TGI python, timeout/1

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8, python 1.5.2

Source: luca-tgipython3.scr

set %var1 8
set %var2 7 %var1 " " %var2
libexec 20 %var1 %var2 %res
exit          # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-tgipython3.out

dummy(0): luca-tgipython3: 8 7
tgi: query=var1=8&var2=7 digits= 
fifo: cmd=wait 0 3149
tgi: exec /usr/local/libexec/bayonne/
fifo: cmd=SET&0&res&15
fifo: cmd=exit 0 0
dummy(0): luca-tgipython3: 15

If timeout is lesser than python script execution time, the results aren't imported (and printed) correctly:

Example 99: TGI python, timeout/2

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8, perl 1.5.2

Source: luca-tgipython4.scr

set %var1 8
set %var2 7 %var1 " " %var2
libexec 5 %var1 %var2 "res: "%res
exit          # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-tgipython4.out

dummy(0): luca-tgipython4: 8 7
tgi: query=var1=8&var2=7 digits= 
fifo: cmd=wait 0 3179
tgi: exec /usr/local/libexec/bayonne/
fifo: cmd=exit 0 0
dummy(0): luca-tgipython4: res:

From output it's possible to see that the %res value is undefined because the python script doesn't end before timeout.

The tgi call can generate a ^timeout event:

Example 100: TGI python, timeout event

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8, python 1.5.2

Source: luca-timeout-tgi-python.scr

set %var1 8
set %var2 7 %var1 " " %var2
slog "tgi call on time: " %session.time
libexec 5 %var1 %var2 "res: "%res
exit          # NB: always an exit at the end
   slog "tgi timeout, time: " %session.time

Output: luca-timeout-tgi-python.out

dummy(0): luca-timeout-tgi-python: 8 7
dummy(0): luca-timeout-tgi-python: tgi call on time: 223818
tgi: query=var1=8&var2=7 digits= 
fifo: cmd=wait 0 3222
tgi: exec /usr/local/libexec/bayonne/
fifo: cmd=exit 0 0
dummy(0): luca-timeout-tgi-python: tgi timeout, time: 223823


Bayonne runs many threads/processes at the same time; one process can start, send signals, send data or join to another one. Unfortunaly, multiprocessing/multithreading cannot be used with dummy driver because it supports only one precess per time. For these examples I used a 4-port IVR card which driver supports 4 threads/processes at the same time.The following examples have at least two source file and one output file only.


The start command lanches a new thread/process. In the %session.parent global variables is stored the session id of the parent process that starts the new one.

With start.trunk trnk scrpt Bayonne starts the script scrpt.scr on the trunk trnk if available (if the trunk is busy nothing happens).

Example 101: Start, trunk

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8

Source: luca-start1a.scr

slog "father: start, id: "
sleep 1		# any operation
start.trunk 1 luca-start1b    # starts child on trunk 1
sleep 1		# any operation
slog "father: stop"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Source: luca-start1b.scr

slog "child: start, id: "
slog "child: father id: " %session.parent
sleep 1		# any operation 
slog "child: exit"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-start1.out

bayonne: dx(0): luca-start1a: father: start, id: 
bayonne: dx(1): luca-start1b(1): child: start, id: 
bayonne: dx(1): luca-start1b(1): child: father id: 
bayonne: dx(0): luca-start1a: father: stop
bayonne: dx(1): luca-start1b(1): child: exit

With start.offset offst scrpt Bayonne starts the script scrpt.scr on the offst trunk next to the currently used (is exist and is available).

Example 102: Start, offset

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8

Source: luca-start2a.scr

slog "father: start with id: "
sleep 1		# any operation
start.offset 2 luca-start2b    # starts child 2 trunks over
sleep 1		# any operation
slog "father: stop"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Source: luca-start2b.scr

slog "child: start with id: "
slog "child: father session-id: " %session.parent
sleep 1		# any operation 
slog "child: exit"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-start2.out

bayonne: dx(0): luca-start2a: father: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(2): luca-start2b(2): child: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(2): luca-start2b(2): child: father session-id: 
bayonne: dx(0): luca-start2a: father: stop
bayonne: dx(2): luca-start2b(2): child: exit

With grp scrpt Bayonne starts the script scrpt.scr on a trunk of the grp group (if one is available). Trunks groups are defined in the bayonne-conf configuration file. For this examples I use the follow definition:

trunks = 2,3

Example 103: Start, group

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8

Source: luca-start3a.scr

slog "father: start with id: "
sleep 1		# any operation outgoing luca-start3b	# starts child on the 
					# outgoing group
sleep 1		# any operation outgoing luca-start3b    	# starts child on the 
					# outgoing group
sleep 1		# any operation
slog "father: stop"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Source: luca-start3b.scr

slog "child: start with id: "
slog "child: father session-id: " %session.parent
sleep 1		# any operation 
slog "child: exit"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-start3.out

bayonne: dx(0): luca-start3a: father: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(3): luca-start3b(3): child: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(3): luca-start3b(3): child: father session-id: 
bayonne: dx(2): luca-start3b(2): child: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(2): luca-start3b(2): child: father session-id: 
bayonne: dx(3): luca-start3b(3): child: exit
bayonne: dx(0): luca-start3a: father: stop
bayonne: dx(2): luca-start3b(2): child: exit

With start ... scrpt %var1 %var2... Bayonne starts the script scrpt.scr with variables %var1, %var2, ...initialized to the parent values.

Example 104: Start, parameter passing

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8

Source: luca-start4a.scr

slog "father: start with id: "
sleep 1		# any operation
set %any_parameter "any value" outgoing luca-start4b   %any_parameter
	  # starts child passing a parameter
sleep 1		# any operation
slog "father: stop"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Source: luca-start4b.scr

slog "child: start with id: "
slog "parameter received: " %any_parameter
sleep 1		# any operation 
slog "child: exit"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-start4.out

bayonne: dx(0): luca-start4a: father: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(3): luca-start4b(3): child: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(3): luca-start4b(3): parameter received: any value
bayonne: dx(0): luca-start4a: father: stop
bayonne: dx(3): luca-start4b(3): child: exit

When a child thread/process exits, a ^child event is notified to the parent (this event can be handled or not).

Example 105: Start, child notification

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8

Source: luca-start5a.scr

slog "father: start with id: "
sleep 1		# any operation outgoing luca-start5b   # starts child
sleep 5		# any operation
slog "father: stop"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

   slog "child terminated"

Source: luca-start5b.scr

slog "child: start with id: "
sleep 1		# any operation 
slog "child: exit"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-start5.out

bayonne: dx(0): luca-start5a: father: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(3): luca-start5b(3): child: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(3): luca-start5b(3): parameter received:
bayonne: dx(3): luca-start5b(3): child: exit
bayonne: dx(0): luca-start5a: child terminated


Bayonne use signals to send notification and data from one thread/process to another.

With send call-id the thread/process sends a signal to the thread/process call-id, the receiver can use the signal handling the event ^event; the receiver can recognize the sender by the global variable %session.eventsenderid and the signal text by the global variable %session.eventsendermsg.

Example 106: Send, event

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8

Source: luca-send1a.scr

slog "father: start with id: "
sleep 1		# any operation outgoing luca-send1b   # starts child
slog "start sleep"
sleep 10
slog "sleep end"
slog "father: stop"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

   slog "event received from: " %session.eventsenderid
   slog "message received: " %session.eventsendermsg
   slog "father: stop from event"

Source: luca-send1b.scr

slog "child: start with id: "
sleep 1		# any operation 
send %session.parent	# no message sent, only event
slog "child: exit"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-send1.out

bayonne: dx(0): luca-send1a: father: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send1a: start sleep
bayonne: dx(3): luca-send1b(3): child: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send1a: event received from: 
bayonne: dx(3): luca-send1b(3): child: exit
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send1a: message received:
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send1a: father: stop from event

With send.message call-id msg the thread/process sends a signal and the message msg to the thread/process call-id, the receiver can use the signal handling the event ^event; the receiver can recognize the sender by the global variable %session.eventsenderid and the signal text by the global variable %session.eventsendermsg.

Example 107: Send, message

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8

Source: luca-send2a.scr

slog "father: start with id: "
sleep 1		# any operation outgoing luca-send2b   # starts child
slog "start sleep"
sleep 10
slog "sleep end"
slog "father: stop"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

   slog "event received from: " %session.eventsenderid
   slog "message received: " %session.eventsendermsg
   slog "father: stop from event"

Source: luca-send2b.scr

slog "child: start with id: "
sleep 1		# any operation 
send.message %session.parent message=any_message
slog "child: exit"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-send2.out

bayonne: dx(0): luca-send2a: father: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send2a: start sleep
bayonne: dx(3): luca-send2b(3): child: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send2a: event received from: 
bayonne: dx(3): luca-send2b(3): child: exit
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send2a: message received: any_message
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send2a: father: stop from event

With send.copy call-id %var the thread/process copies the local value of %var to the receiver call-id.

Example 108: Send, exporting single value

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8

Source: luca-send3a.scr

slog "father: start with id: "
sleep 1		# any operation outgoing luca-send3b   # starts child
set %dummy 0
slog "before sleep: " %dummy
sleep 5
slog "after sleep: " %dummy
slog "father: stop"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Source: luca-send3b.scr

slog "child: start with id: "
sleep 1		# any operation 
set %dummy 10
send.copy %session.parent %dummy
slog "child: exit"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-send3.out

bayonne: dx(0): luca-send3a: father: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send3a: before sleep: 0
bayonne: dx(3): luca-send3b(3): child: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(3): luca-send3b(3): child: exit
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send3a: after sleep: 10
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send3a: father: stop

With call-id %strct value the thread/process adds the value %value to the data structure %strct of the receiver call-id.

Example 109: Send, exporting composite values

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8

Source: luca-send4a.scr

slog "father: start with id: "
stack 3 %stck 	# empty stack outgoing luca-send4b   # starts child
sleep 3
	# the stack is filled by child
slog "stack " %stck
slog "stack " %stck
slog "stack " %stck
slog "father: stop"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Source: luca-send4b.scr

slog "child: start with id: "
sleep 1		# any operation %session.parent %stck 1 %stck 2 %session.parent %stck 3  
slog "child: exit"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-send4.out

bayonne: dx(0): luca-send4a: father: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(3): luca-send4b(3): child: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(3): luca-send4b(3): child: exit
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send4a: stack 3
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send4a: stack 2
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send4a: stack 1
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send4a: father: stop

With send.digits call-id digits the thread/process adds digits to %session.digits global variable of the receiver call-id; for the receiver these digits are like the normal input.

Example 110: Send, digits

Testing environment: Ccscript 2.5.5, Bayonne 1.2.8

Source: luca-send5a.scr

slog "father: start with id: "
cleardigits outgoing luca-send5b   # starts child
collect 5 3 * #
slog "digits collect: " %session.digits
slog "pause...."
sleep 5
slog "father: stop"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

   slog "digits reveiced: " %session.digits
   slog "father: stop after digits"
   exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Source: luca-send5b.scr

slog "child: start with id: "
send.digits %session.parent "123"
		# first digits
sleep 4
send.digits %session.parent "456"
		#second digits
slog "child: exit"
exit                # NB: always an exit at the end

Output: luca-send5.out

bayonne: dx(0): luca-send5a: father: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(3): luca-send5b(3): child: start with id: 
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send5a: digits collect: 123
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send5a: pause....
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send5a: digits reveiced: 4
bayonne: dx(3): luca-send5b(3): child: exit
bayonne: dx(0): luca-send5a: father: stop after digits


Copyright (c) 2003 Luca Bariani

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts

About this document ...

GNU Bayonne Script Examples

This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 2002 (1.62)

Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, Ross Moore, Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.

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Luca 2003-08-24