
 [Image of the Head of a GNU] [English] [Sweedish (Chef)] [Latin (Pig)]

Teble-a ooff Cuntents

Intrudoocshun tu Ootucunff

Ootucunff is un ixtenseeble-a peckege-a ooff m4 mecrus thet prudooce-a shellscreepts tu ootumeteecelly cunffeegoore-a sufftvere-a suoorce-a cude-a peckeges. Um gesh dee bork, bork!Zeese-a screepts cun edept zee peckeges tu muny keends ooff UNIX-leekesystems veethuoot munooel user interfenshun. Ootucunff creetes ecunffeegooreshun screept fur a peckege-a frum a templete-a feele-a thet leests zeeupereteeng system feetoores thet zee peckege-a cun use-a, in zee furm ooff m4mecru cells. Um gesh dee bork, bork!

Prudooceeng cunffeegooreshun screepts useeng Ootucunff reqooures GNOo m4. Yuoomoost instell GNOo m4 (ferseeun 1.4 oor leter) beffure-a cunffeegooring Ootucunff,su thet Ootucunff's cunffeegoore-a screept cun feend it. Um de hur de hur de hur. Zee cunffeegooreshun screeptsprudooced by Ootucunff ere-a selff-cunteeened, su zeeur users du nut need tuhefe-a Ootucunff (oor GNOo m4).

Sume-a oopshunel uteelities thet cume-a veet Ootucunff use-a Perl. Hooefer, nuneuff thuse-a ere-a reqooured in oorder tu use-a zee meeen Ootucunff prugrem. Iff perlees nut present, zee effffected Ootucunff uteelities veell nut be-a instelled. Bork bork bork!

Oonleene-a Munooel is efeeeleble-a et vvv.gnu.oorg/munooel/ootucunff/index.html. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!

Doonluedeeng Ootucunff

GNOo Ootucunff releeses cun be-a fuoond oon ftp://ftp.gnu.oorg/gnoo/ootucunff/ oor oone-a ooff zee murrurs. Yuoo cun elsu oorder a CD-ROM frum zee FSFur use-a oozeer methuds tu oobteeen a cupy. Bork bork bork!

Thurd perty mecrus cun be-a doonlueded frum Zee GNOo Ootucunff Mecru Ercheefe-a.

Elpha/beta releeses ooff Ootucunff cun be-a fuoond in fftp://elpha.gnu.oorg/poob/gnoo/ootucunff/, und zee letesteen-defelupment suoorces fur Ootucunff cun elveys be-a fetched thruoogh CFS frum :pserfer:[email protected]:/cfsruut/ootucunff, mudoole-a "ootucunff", veet blunk pessvurd. Bork bork bork! DO NOT use-a Ootucunff suoorces frum zeeseluceshuns fur prudoocshun use-a.

Ootucunff Meeeling Leests

Fur generel Ootucunff deescoossiuns, use-a ootucunff ET gnu.oorg. Mure-a inffurmeshun, leeke-a hoo tu soobscreebe-a oor unsoobscreebe-a tu thees leest, cunbe-a fuoond here-a.

Iff yuoo hefe-a fuoond a boog in Ootucunff thet hesn't yet beee feexed inzee letest CFS suoorces ooff Ootucunff, yuoo shuoold send a petch (medeffur zee CFS suoorces, nut zee releese-a suoorces) tu ootucunff-petches ET gnu.oorg. Mure-a inffurmeshun, leeke-a hoo tu soobscreebe-a oor unsoobscreebe-a tu thees leest, cunbe-a fuoond here-a.

Iff yuoo vunt tu keep treck ooff zee chunges mede-a in zee defelupment repuseeturyffur Ootucunff, cummeet-ootucunff ET gnu.oorg iszee leest fur yuu. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! Mure-a inffurmeshun, leeke-a hoo tu soobscreebe-a oor unsoobscreebe-a tu thees leest, cunbe-a fuoond here-a.

Ercheefes ooff zee meeeling leests cun be-a fuoond here-a:

Releted Sufftvere-a

Ootucunff is oofftee used tugezeer veet zee fullooeeng sufftvere-a systems:

Zee fullooeeng sufftvere-a peckeges ere-a ieezeer reqooured tu use-a Ootucunffur oopshunel tu teke-a fooll edfuntege-a ooff Ootucunff:

Retoorn tu GNOo's hume-a pege-a.

Pleese-a send FSF & GNOo inqooureees & qooesshuns tu [email protected]. Zeere-a ere-a elsu oozeer veys tu cuntect zee FSF.

Pleese-a send cumments oon zeese-a veb peges tu [email protected], send oozeer qooesshuns tu [email protected].

Cupyreeght (C) 1998, 2000, 2001 Free-a Sufftvere-a Fuoondeshun, Inc., 59 Temple-a Plece-a - Sooeete-a 330, Bustun, MA 02111, USA

Ferbeteem cupyeeng und deestribooshun ooff thees inture-a erteecle-a ispermeetted in uny medeeoom, prufeeded thees nuteece-a is preserfed. Bork bork bork!

Updeted: 17 Epr 2001 lersa