<!--#include virtual="/server/header.html" --> <!-- Parent-Version: 1.90 --> <title>Thank GNUs, 2020 - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation</title> <!--#include virtual="/thankgnus/po/2020supporters.translist" --> <!--#include virtual="/server/banner.html" --> <h2>Thank GNUs, 2020</h2> <p>You can earn your own Thank GNU by <a href="https://crm.fsf.org/donate/">donating through the FSF</a>.</p> <p>If your donation isn't listed properly, isn't listed at all, or is listed when you wanted to be anonymous, please write to us and we'll correct the problem. Write to <a href="mailto:development@fsf.org"> <development@fsf.org></a>. </p> <p>Please note that <a href="https://my.fsf.org/donate/patron">Corporate Patrons</a> are listed on the <a href="https://www.fsf.org/patrons">Corporate Patronage area</a> of our website. </p> <h3>2020 Supporters</h3> <ul> <li> <a href="#equipmentservices" id="TOCequipment">Equipment and Services</a> </li> <li><a href="#patrons" id="TOCpatrons">Patrons</a></li> <li><a href="#sustaining" id="TOCsustaining">Sustaining Contributors</a></li> <li><a href="#contributor" id="TOCcontributor">Contributors</a></li> <li><a href="#other" id="TOCother">Other</a></li> </ul> <hr/> <h4> <a href="#TOCequipment" id="equipmentservices">Equipment and Services</a> </h4> <!-- Let's keep all lists in alphabetical order. Thanks. --> <ul> <li>BitFolk Ltd</li> <li>Hurricane Electric</li> <li>Imperva Incapsula</li> <li>TowardEX</li> <li>Vikings GmbH</li> </ul> <h4> <a href= "#TOCpatrons" id="patrons">Patrons</a> ($5000 or more)</h4> <!-- Let's keep all lists in alphabetical order. Thanks. --> <ul> <li>Andrew Gaul</li> <li>Andrew Tosh</li> </ul> <h4> <a href="#TOCsustaining" id="sustaining">Sustaining Contributors</a> ($1000 to $4999) </h4> <!-- Let's keep all lists in alphabetical order. Thanks. --> <ul> <li>Alexis Vaca</li> <li>Antonio Carzaniga</li> <li>Belgian Federal Public Service Home Affairs</li> <li>Brett Sears</li> <li>Brewster Kahle</li> <li>Daniel Fischer</li> <li>Daniel Gillmor</li> <li>Demo Agoris, in honor of Maria and Harry Agoris</li> <li>Dock Williams</li> <li>Donald and Jill Knuth</li> <li>Douglas Hauge</li> <li>François Badier</li> <li>Hannah Wolfman-Jones</li> <li>Hideki Igarashi</li> <li>Inouye Satoru</li> <li>James Wilson</li> <li>Jean-Francois Blavier</li> <li>Keonne Rodriguez</li> <li>Kevin McCarthy</li> <li>Marcus Marinelli</li> <li>Max Sievers</li> <li>Michael Cornelius</li> <li>Michael Mauger</li> <li>Nicolas Avrutin</li> <li>Nikolay Ksenev</li> <li>Nomadic Labs</li> <li>Pat Ryan</li> <li>René Genz</li> <li>Richard Harlow</li> <li>Ron Savage</li> <li>Stephen Longfield</li> <li>Steve Wickert</li> <li>Sven Wallage</li> <li>Terence O'Gorman</li> <li>Uday Kale</li> <li>Will Beason</li> <li>Xiao Niu</li> <li>Yuchen Pei</li> </ul> <h4> <a href="#TOCcontributor" id="contributor">Contributors</a> ($500 to $999) </h4> <!-- Let's keep all lists in alphabetical order. Thanks. --> <ul> <li>Adam Van Ymeren</li> <li>Alan Stein</li> <li>Alessandro Vesely</li> <li>Alex Boulette</li> <li>Alexey Charkov</li> <li>Arthur Gleckler</li> <li>askapache.com</li> <li>AskApache RMS</li> <li>Ben Abrams</li> <li>Beth Lynn Eicher: “OLF celebrates 70 years of Jon ‘maddog’ Hall”</li> <li>Blair Vidakovich</li> <li>Blue Systems</li> <li>Bo Morgan</li> <li>Brant Gardner</li> <li>Bret Fisher</li> <li>Brian Strand</li> <li>Camille Akmut</li> <li>Catena Cyber</li> <li>Chase Courtney</li> <li>Christian Sperr</li> <li>Conan Chiles</li> <li>Daniel Chess</li> <li>Dario Armani</li> <li>David Klann</li> <li>David Turner</li> <li>Dominic Walden</li> <li>Donald Craig</li> <li>Dwight Cass</li> <li>Ed Price</li> <li>Edward Flick</li> <li>Eric Brown</li> <li>Evan Klitzke</li> <li>Francis Cunningham</li> <li>Frederic Barthelemy</li> <li>Georges Sancosme</li> <li>Guillaume REMBERT</li> <li>Harry Mangalam</li> <li>Holger Kienle</li> <li>Iñaki Arenaza</li> <li>Jacques Kreitmann</li> <li>Jake Bailey</li> <li>Jeremy Nenninger</li> <li>Jerome Quinn</li> <li>Jesse Young</li> <li>Joe McLaughlin</li> <li>John McFarland</li> <li>John Sullivan</li> <li>Jonathan Mc Donald</li> <li>Judicaël Courant</li> <li>Julia Kreger</li> <li>Ken SENOO</li> <li>Konstantin Münning</li> <li>Leah Rowe</li> <li>Lena Voytek</li> <li>Leslie Hawthorn</li> <li>Mario Habdija</li> <li>Mark Boenke</li> <li>Mark Harris</li> <li>Marcus Pemer</li> <li>Masaru KIMURA</li> <li>Massimo Spadotto</li> <li>Matomo.org</li> <li>Michael Lewis</li> <li>Minoru Sekine</li> <li>Morten Lind</li> <li>Mr. Pete Batard</li> <li>Nathan Boy</li> <li>Nicodemus Paradiso</li> <li>Nicolas Guilbert</li> <li>Norman Richards</li> <li>Orlando Wingbrant</li> <li>Pablo Otero</li> <li>Paul Allen</li> <li>Paul Caruso</li> <li>Peter Kunze</li> <li>Petr Novák</li> <li>René Genz</li> <li>Richard Case</li> <li>Roland Pesch</li> <li>Ron Horrell</li> <li>Ron Hume</li> <li>Shawn C [ a.k.a "citypw"]</li> <li>Srikrishnan S</li> <li>Stefan Maric</li> <li>Stephen Ransom</li> <li>Stephen Waite</li> <li>Steve Tuyizere</li> <li>Svante Stenberg</li> <li>Sven Wallage</li> <li>Szymon Niezna?ski</li> <li>Tegonal GmbH</li> <li>Thomas Hahn</li> <li>Thomas Saglio</li> <li>Trevor Spiteri</li> <li>Valerio Poggi</li> <li>Vishal Parakh</li> <li>William Bolella</li> <li>Yuchen Pei</li> </ul> <h4> <a href="#TOCother" id="other">Other</a> </h4> <!-- Let's keep all lists in alphabetical order. Thanks. --> </div><!-- for id="content", starts in the include above --> <!--#include virtual="/server/footer.html" --> <div id="footer"> <div class="unprintable"> <p>Please send general FSF & GNU inquiries to <a href="mailto:gnu@gnu.org"><gnu@gnu.org></a>. There are also <a href="/contact/">other ways to contact</a> the FSF. Broken links and other corrections or suggestions can be sent to <a href="mailto:webmasters@gnu.org"><webmasters@gnu.org></a>.</p> <p><!-- TRANSLATORS: Ignore the original text in this paragraph, replace it with the translation of these two: We work hard and do our best to provide accurate, good quality translations. However, we are not exempt from imperfection. 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