

       swbis -- Software Administration User Manual


       Making a Package Specification File (PSF)
       Making Archives
       Verifying Archives
       Translating Other Formats
       Securing File System Directories
       Securing CVS Repositories
       Copying Files
       Package Management Functions


       This manual page is a very short user manual. It provides basic
       examples for using the swbis utilities.  For detailed description of
       format, syntax, and internal structures see the swbis Info document
       (run 'info swbis' or 'info -f doc/info/swbis.info' from within the
       source package) or other manual pages: sw(5), swpackage(5), swbis(7).
       Each utility has its own manual page, see swverify(8), swlist(8),
       swcopy(8), swinstall(8) and swpackage(8).  For configuration help and
       host compatibility issues see swbis(7).

       swbis is a software administration system for GNU/Linux systems and
       systems that are UNIX system-like.  It implements the Open Group's CAE
       Spec C701 (XDSA) Distributed Software Administration.  This spec
       closely follows ISO/IEC 15068-2:1999 (now withdrawn) which was
       identical to IEEE 1387.2:1995.  The scope of the implementation
       includes a package format, meta-data file format, and utilities for
       package creation, installation, query, listing, and verification.  The
       package management utilities are network transparent via direct use of
       ssh(1).  They provide remote package management functions to any UNIX-
       like remote host with a zero footprint regardless if swbis is installed
       on the remote host.

       While the swbis system has features comparable with package managers,
       it has features that are of general purpose usefulness to system
       administrators and developers.  These include host-to-host copying of
       file system directories, advanced tarball creation methods, backward
       compatibility with uses of plain tarballs, and the ability to act as a
       directory content integrity checker and SCM security tool.

       All sections of this manual page, except the last two, describe
       security related application of swpackage that integrate GNU utilities
       and the file system.  These applications along with the swign utility
       are unique to swbis.  The last section, Package Management, represents
       the intended focus of the spec.


       A PSF is a simple text file that directs swpackage on what to package.
       It is not included in the package unless it lists itself as a file to
       include.  It can contain extra attributes (that swbis would not
       recognize).  These end up in the main meta-data file named
       catalog/INDEX.  A PSF consists of sections that contain keyword/value
       pairs.  The same keywords may appear in different sections and are
       indeed different and separate attributes but they have the same
       definition/usage.  The sections are delimited by the section keyword
       (which is recognized because it has no value) and the next section
       keyword.  The sections are properly called objects and the keyword is
       the object keyword.  Some sections contain other sections.  The parser
       knows and enforces the hierarchy.

       White space in the PSF is not significant. A comment begins with a
       pound '#'.

       Simple PSF's can be generated with swign.

       # Generate some generic sample PSFs
       swign --show-psf -s.
       swign --show-psf -s. --revision 1.1
       swign --show-psf -s. -o root -g root
       swign --show-psf -s. -o "" -g ""
       swign --show-psf -s. -o 0 -g 0

        Perform a test process on your PSF using the preview option

       swign --show-psf -s.  | swpackage -p -v -s -

   PSFs By Example
       To test or preview the following examples use swpackage as follows:

       # Example commands that read a PSF from stdin
       swpackage -p -v  # -or-
       swpackage -p -vv  # -or-
       swpackage -p --files -vv  # -or-
       swpackage -p --files --dir=pathPrefix -vv

       then to make the package for real, remove the '-p' option, such as:

            cat yourPSF | swpackage -s - @-  | tar tvf -

   o  Package an entire directory
       tag packageName
       control_directory ""
       revision 1.0
       tag files
       control_directory ""
       directory .
       file *
       # exclude fileName
       # exclude fileName2
       # exclude fileName2 # ...

   o   Package Explicit Files
       # owner root  # ownership of catalog
       # groupt root  # ownership of catalog
       tag packageName
       control_directory ""
       revision 1.0
       tag files
       control_directory ""
       file -m 755 -o 0 -g 0 /etc/passwd /mypasswd
       file -m 666 -o 0 -g 0 /dev/null  /mynull

   o   Package A Directory that does not already exist
       tag mydir
       revision 0.001
       tag bin
       directory / /
       file -o root -g bin -m 700 -t d /BB

       As a point of instruction, show the actual payload of this package with
       the following command:

          swpackage  | swinstall @- | tar tvf -


       swbis provide two programs to make a package: swpackage and swign To
       make a package, take your PSF that you created and use it as input to
       these programs.  Be aware that both write to standard output by

   Using swpackage
       swpackage is a self-contained tar writing utility, that is it writes a
       tar archive without using /bin/tar.

       Here is the command to read a PSF from stdin and write a tar archive on
       stdout and list the resulting package with tar.

          swpackage -s - @- | tar tvf -
          swpackage --gzip -s - @- | tar ztvf -
          swpackage --bzip2 -s - @- | tar jtvf -

       Here are the options to use to include security attributes.  These can
       be set in your defaults file (~/.swbis/swbisdefaults).

          swpackage -s - --archive-digests --file-digests --files @-

       The default digests for these options are md5 and sha1.  To add sha512
       digests do

          swpackage -s - --archive-sha512 --archive-digests \
            --file-digests --file-sha512 --files @-

       To sign the package, that is, include an embedded GPG signature just
       add the '--sign' option, along with other options.  '--sign' turns on

          swpackage \
             --archive-digests --file-digests --files \
             --gpg-name=yourId --gpg-path=~/.gnupg --sign

       When swpackage asks for a passphrase it is really swpackage.  Although
       care is taken to handle the passphrase correctly, you can avoid having
       swpackage handle your passphrase all together by using the gpg agent.

       To use the agent, it must be running and the location must be set as
       the environment variable GPG_AGENT_INFO. To verify this try:

          env | grep GPG

       Now, just add the option --passphrase-fd=agent to the swpackage
       invocation or set and export the environment variable
       SWPACKAGEPASSFD=agent.  The result should be that swpacakge completes
       without asking for a passphrase at the terminal.

   Using swign
       The swign utility is designed to make a package directly from the
       contents of the current directory.  It combines usage of GNU tar and
       swpackage such that the archive it creates is written entirely by GNU
       tar using the file list, catalog/dfiles/files, generated by swpackage.
       In this way it provides more assurance against unseen data corruption,
       which is important when creating signed packages.

       For directories whose name has the form Name-Version, swign will
       properly generate its own PSF with attributes based on the directory
       name.  The name '.' is the special name for the internally generated
       PSF. By default, swign will read a PSF from standard input.

          cd somepackage-1.1
          swign -s. -u yourIdName @- | tar tvf -

       The result is a package that looks like this

       somepackage-1.1/ ..

       When making a package with swign, it is beneficial to include the
       checkdigest control script using this option:

           swign -D $HOME/checkdigest.sh -s. -u yourIdName @- | tar tvf -

           # Aside:
           # To see how the script is specified in the PSF, try
           #     swign -D /your_secure_path/checkdigest.sh -s. --psf

       This script will work unchanged for any package, and is available in
       the swbis source package. It may be copied as a public domain program.
       With this script included, a recipient of your signed package can
       verify the unpacked directory using swverify.


       Packages are verified by swverify

          # This example verifies standard input
          swverify -d @-

       In addition, packages that have a single path prefix (like source
       packages) and that have ownerships reproducible on the local host can
       be verified in its unpacked form, for example:

          tar zxpf somepackage-1.1.tar.gz
          cd somepackage-1.1
          swverify -d @.

       Verifying the unpacked form requires the checkdigest implementation
       extension control script.  This script must have been included when the
       package was created using the '-D NAME' option in the swign.


       swpackage can translate other package formats: deb, rpm, and slackware,
       and plain vanilla source tarballs with a NAME-VERSION path name prefix.
       In the process, the package can be signed.

       The converted package is written to stdout.  The input is read from
       standard input or specified as source using the -s FILENAME option.
       Slackware packages cannot be read from standard input because the
       revision and name is determined from the .tgz filename itself.

          swpackage --to-swbis -s somepackage.rpm  # RPM
          swpackage --to-swbis -s somepackage.deb  # DEB
          swpackage --to-swbis -s somesourcepackage-1.0.tar.gz  # Plain Source Package
            # or for slackware packages
          swpackage -s somepackage-1.0-i386.tgz --to-swbis


       The swign utility can be used as a directory content integrity tool.
       After processing the current directory with swign, the directory can be
       verified against changes to file contents, ownerships and permissions.

       In this capacity, the ./catalog/ directory is a GPG signed record of
       the directory contents.  It is created this way:

           swign -D $HOME/checkdigest.sh -s. -u yourIdName -o "" -g "" @.

       Verification is simply:

           swverify -d @.


       Securing CVS (or any Source Code Management repository) is similar to
       securing a directory with the additional step that the ./catalog/
       directory is checked-in or committed to the repository just like other
       ordinary directories in the project.

       Slightly different options are used for signing and verification.
       These have to do with file ownerships which are not tracked and
       enforced.  Also the default action of removing ./catalog is prevented
       by the --no-remove option.

           swign -D $HOME/checkdigest.sh -s PSF.in --no-remove --name-version=somepackage-1.0 @.

       The exported directory (without the SCM control files) can be verified.
       Since ownerships, time stamps, and permissions are probably not
       preserved, use a special option to swverify, --scm.

            swverify --scm -d @.

       The PSF.in for this usage is specialized.  Note the special exclude
       directives and the replacement macros %__tag and %__revision which
       allows easy control of the current revision.

       Here is a minimal example, the swign(1) manual page for more

          # PSF.in -- Input file to swign
          checkdigest  < bin/checkdigest.sh
          tag %__tag                # Replaced by swign
          control_directory ""
          revision %__revision      # Replaced by swign
          tag sources
          control_directory ""
          file_permissions -o 0 -g 0
          directory .
          file *
          exclude catalog
          exclude CVS
          exclude */CVS
          # exclude .svn
          # exclude */.svn


       swcopy can be used to copy arbitrary files or data streams from host to
       host.  Here are a few examples.  See the manual page swcopy(8) for

       # Copy a file in the current directory to your home directory on HostA
          swcopy --no-audit -s :file1 @ HostA

       # Copy the data stream from a device on a remote host
          swcopy --no-audit -s @- | tar tvf -

       # Show your network speed in real time
          swcopy --no-audit -s --show-progress @ /dev/null

       # Read the entire file system on a remote host
          swcopy --no-audit -s @- | tar tvf -


       swbis supports typical package management functions for creation,
       installation, listing/query, verification, and removal in a network
       transparent fashion with zero new requirements for the remote host.
       ssh is used directly for host access and no special configuration is

       The default requirements for the remote host are GNU bash, as
       /bin/bash, and GNU tar as /bin/tar.  Other runtime and compile
       configurations are possible to allow GNU tar to be /bin/gtar and a host
       to be bash-less.  See swbis(7) for information on support for other
       POSIX shells.

       Alternate root operation is supported for all operations, however, only
       cooperatively enforced for control script execution, that is control
       scripts must respect its relative root.

       All utilities are similar in their command-line interface:

           sw<utillity> [PKG_NAME_SPEC] @ HOSTNAME
           sw<utillity> [PKG_NAME_SPEC] @ :FILENAME
           sw<utillity> [PKG_NAME_SPEC] @ /FILENAME

   Internal operation,  Events, and Errors
       Operation of the distributed utilites consists of a shell script
       running on the target host and the actual utility running on the
       management host.  These hosts may be the same or different.
       Configuration data (e.g. swbisdefaults and swdefaults files) are read
       on the management host only.  When verifying installed software, gpg is
       invoked on the management host only using public keys from the
       management host only.

       All the distributed utiltities operate as a utility (i.e. C program)
       and a shell script read and executed from the POSIX shell's standard
       input.  The C program and shell script communicate via stdin, stdout
       and stderr using a connection provided by an ordinary rsh or ssh
       client.  For local operation ssh/rsh is not invoked.  The utilities
       never should be installed setuid root.  Privilege escalation can be
       accomplished via Ssh and a UNIX user account:

           sw<utillity> @ root@localhost

       The shell script is a list of tasks where each task becomes an
       additional shell reading from stdin.  Before the additional task shell
       is executed, a Task Identification Header is read and compared with the
       expected Task. In addition each task has an END event to return its
       status.  If any error occurs, the error is detected by the utility
       (i.e. the C program on the management host); and, the main script [on
       the target host] falls through with an error.

       For example, here is how the 'load fileset' task script appears in a
       UNIX process listing:

       14073 14071  1 20:35  /bin/bash -s _swbis _swinstall
       14453 14073  0 20:35  /bin/bash -s /_swbis /_swinstall load fileset
       14454 14453  0 20:35  dd bs 512 count 6870
       14455 14453  0 20:35  /bin/bash -s /_swbis /_swinstall load fileset
       14460 14455  0 20:35  tar xpvf -

       During operation events are generated.  They may be shown by increasing
       the verbosity level

           swinstall -x verbose=3
               # -or-
           swinstall -vv

        For example, the events for installation look like this

       # swinstall -x reinstall=y --no-scripts -vv @ localhost:/tmp/aabb
       swinstall: SWBIS_TARGET_BEGINS for @localhost:/tmp/aabb
       swinstall: SW_SESSION_BEGINS on target host Host20:
       swinstall: SW_NOT_LOCATABLE: xorg-x11-Xnest.xorg-x11-Xnest: status=2
       swinstall: SW_ANALYSIS_BEGINS on target host Host20:
       swinstall: SW_SAME_REVISION_INSTALLED at @localhost:/tmp/aabb: status=0: var/...
       swinstall: SW_DEPENDENCY_NOT_MET: prerequisite xorg-x11,pr==6.8.2: status=2
       swinstall: SW_SOC_LOCK_CREATED on target host Host20: lockpath=var/...
       swinstall: SW_ANALYSIS_ENDS on target host Host20: status=0
       swinstall: SW_EXECUTION_BEGINS on target host Host20:
       swinstall: SW_SOC_LOCK_REMOVED on target host Host20: status=0
       swinstall: SW_EXECUTION_ENDS on target host Host20: status=0
       swinstall: SW_SESSION_ENDS on target host Host20: status=0
       swinstall: SWBIS_TARGET_ENDS for @localhost:/tmp/aabb: status=0

        Events have their own status, 0, 1, or 2.  Zero (0) is always sucess,
       1 is an error, and 2 may be a warning or error depending on the event
       and options.

   Recovery From Hangs and Crashes
       Swbis utilites never hang and never crash and are generally signal
       safe, that is you can hit ctrl-C and expect a controlled exit of the
       remote script and utility.  However if a utility really crashes it can
       leave unwanted processes on the remote host, they may even suck up CPU
       cycles making the machine slow.  The first step is to kill the
       management utility:

          killall -9 swinstall  # or whatever the utility was

        Then, to kill the task shells on the remote host:

          swremove --cleansh @ user@Host

        using the same user and host as the crashed invocation.  This will
       kill all swbis process including other users if allowed by the system.


         # Install at /
           swinstall -s :somepackage-1.1.bin.sw.tar.gz

         # Install to a alternate root, not running control scripts
           swinstall --no-scripts -vv -s:somepackage-1.1.i386.rpm @ /tmp/foo1

         # Install to a alternate root
           swinstall -s :somepackage-1.1.bin.sw.tar.gz @ /tmp/xx2

         # Install at /, gaining privilege via ssh
           swinstall -s :somepackage-1.1.bin.sw.tar.gz @ root@localhost

         # Install from standard input to /
           swinstall       # if default source directory is stdin or
           swinstall -s -  # independent of defaults file

         # Install at a remote host
           swinstall -s :somepackage-1.1.bin.sw.tar.gz @

         # Install to multiple targets, based on a list of one target per line
           echo | swinstall -t - -s :somepackage-1.1.bin.sw.tar.gz

          # Remove a package named 'somepackage'
           swremove somepackage @/

          # Remove everything
           swremove --allow-ambig \* @ /

          # Remove everything and force (e.g. override a stale lock)
           swremove --force somepackage @ /

          # Preview what would be removed and do nothing
           swremove -p -v somepackage @ /

          # List all installed packages
           swlist # -or-
           swlist --products

          # List an installed package by name
           swlist somepackage

          # List an installed package by name and version
           swlist somepackage,r\>1.0

          # List installed packages by name and version from several hosts
           swlist --verbose --products somepackage,r\>1.0  @ hostA hostB

          # Copy the installed catalog to stdout
           swlist -c - somepackage @ [email protected] | tar tvf -

          # List the installed files from the catalog
           swlist --files somepackage @ [email protected]

          # List the installed files as found in the file system
           swlist --system somepackage @ [email protected]

          # List the payload of a package
           swlist --files @- < somepackage-1.0.tar.gz

          # List the payload of a package
           swinstall @- < somepackage-1.0.tar.gz | tar tvf -


       See swbis(7) for detailed information on configuration and host
       compatibility strategies.


       IEEE Std 1387.2-1995 (ISO/IEC 15068-2:1999),
       Open Group CAE C701,


        info swbis
        sw(5), swbis(7), swpackage(8), swpackage(5), swbisparse(1), swign(1), swverify(8),
        swcopy(8), swconfig(8), swlist(8), swremove(8)


       /var/lib/swbis/catalog/  # The installed software catalog
       catalog/  # The package meta-data directory
       swdefaults     # Options configuration file
       swbisdefaults  # Options configuration file


        Author: Jim Lowe   Email: jhlowe at acm.org
        Version: 1.13
        Last Updated: 2010-02-04
        Copying: GNU Free Documentation License


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