lxpsf - Translate packages to a tar archive with a PSF.
lxpsf [options] [package_file]
Lxpsf reads the input package and writes a tar or cpio archive to std-
out, depending on the native (or encapsulated) format of the input
package. The output layout has a single leading directory named
according to the name, version, and release attributes.
The first regular file is ``PSF'', and is a IEEE 1387.2-1995 (ISO/IEC
15068-2:1999) Product Specification File containing the package meta-
data. Subsequent files are control data represented as files, and, the
files of the distribution. The output is designed so the swpackage
utility is able to form a Posix package from the installed output.
Currently, RPM format v3 (both source and binary), Debian Package for-
mat, Slackware runtime packages and plain vanilla tarballs (with a
leading directory path) are supported for translation.
-p ,--psf-only
Write only the psf file to stdout.
-A ,--psf-form1
A PSF form for RPM translation (deprecated).
-A ,--psf-form2
A second PSF form for RPM translation (deprecated).
-A ,--psf-form3
A third PSF form for RPM translation (current).
-H format
Force the specified format. The choices are currently
(only) ustar.
-x ,--use-recursive-fileset
Use "file *" instead of individual file definitions in
the PSF.
-r ,--no-leading-path
use "." as the leading archive path.
-o ,--info-only
Write the INFO file for the rpm archive to stdout.
-D ,debug-level=TYPE
Always set to "link"
Either install into file system or use the -W source=- option of
GNU swpackage.
cat your_rpm.rpm |
lxpsf --format=ustar --psf-form3 |
(mkdir /tmp/swbis; cd /tmp/swbis && tar xpf -; exit $?) &&
(cd /tmp/swbis && swpackage -s PSF @- ) | tar tvf -
cat your_rpm.rpm |
lxpsf --format=ustar --psf-form3 |
swpackage -W source=- -s@PSF @- | tar tvf -
POSIX.1, IEEE 1387.2, XDSA C701
The RPM translation program of the swbis project.
DATE: 2010-02-22
Revision: 1.5
swbisparse(1), swpackage(8)
Probably many. A de-facto conversion policy is intimated in the
PSF by this program.