Here are some random rants on Mailman, email, list servers, and
other fun topics. They should be considered the opinions of the
authors of the articles only.
Here's a link to a
Linux Journal article I
wrote about Mailman in 2000.
- GNU Mailman, Internationalized, Warsaw, USENIX 2003 Annual
Technical Conference, FREENIX Track.
- Mailman - An Extensible Mailing List Manager Using Python, Manheimer,
Warsaw, Viega,
7th International Python Conference in Houston, TX.
- Mailman: The GNU Mailing List Manager, Viega, Warsaw, Manheimer,
12th Usenix Systems Administration Conference (LISA '98).
In May 2010, the GNU Mailman community voted on a new logo. The
winning entry was contributed by
Andrija Arsic, a student in
Belgrade, Serbia. Congratulations Andrija!
The original SVG artwork donated by
Andrija is also available. The logo is licensed under the terms of the
JPG logo (244x153) |