Free Go Programs
This pages tries to be a comprehensive directory of
free programs for
the game of go.
Let us know
if something is missing, or if links are outdated.
GNU Go and other Go programs on small computers:
- A GNU Go 1.2 port for
the Gameboy, with source. (The 1.2 engine is much weaker than
2.x and 3.x.)
- Pocket GNU Go, from
Ivan Davtchev, now maintained by Sid Liu, is a version of GNU Go 2.6
that runs on the Pocket PC. Now runs on the Smartphone, too.
A GNU Go 3.2 port is in the works!
- Here's a
A Windows
CE port of GNU Go 2.0 from Alexander Seewald. This builds on
the user interface from Ivan Davtchev's program and may work
a pocket PC, but it is tailored for a Win CE 2.11 device.
- Benjamin Collar's
GNU Go 2.6 port to the Agenda VR3, a Linux PDA.
- Go81 is a
GPL'd Go program for PalmOS.
Other programs that play go, and Go programming toolkits. Many of these
are no longer maintained.
- Mark Boon has released some
Go modules in Java
with a free (X11) license in the hope that this will help people to
start their Go programs. Now hosted by Sente Software. Also
at Sourceforge.
- Vegos by Piotr Kaminski
brute force AI that uses simulated annealing to play primitive
Go. Includes a generic GTP client framework for Java. License
is the same as zlib.
wallyplus is a C++ port by Andrew Balsa of Bill Newman's
original Wally. It comes with a GTP script that allows it to play against GNU Go.
- Andrew Balsa has also made GTP versions of some other free engines,
and Randy (a Go engine that plays random legal moves).
- Baduki is a Go program by ``Artist'' (Lim Jaebum) licensed
under the GNU GPL. We've lost track of the author's site but
in the meantime the program is mirrored at
Dan Stromberg's site.
You can play matches between Baduki and GNU Go quite easily using
CGoban 1.
- OpenGo is a
free (X11 style license) workbench for the Go programmer supporting
different engines (such as GNU Go) and which runs under both
Windows and GNU/Linux.
- PubGo+ is
a set of C++ classes for Go Programming by P. J. Leonard. It is
published under the GPL.
- Gtkgo is another GPL'd Go program. Sources may be found
Clients, capable of running GNU Go, and other graphical front ends to
- qGo is a
full featured Client for playing on the servers, SGF viewing/editing,
and GNU Go client written in C++ for GNU/Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
Can play One Color Go. Licensed GPL and QPL.
- ccGo is a GPL'd client
written in C++ capable of playing with GNU Go, or on IGS.
- RubyGo is a GPL'd
client by J.-F. Menon for IGS written in the scripting language Ruby.
RubyGo is capable of playing with GNU Go using the GTP.
- Dingoui is a free
GMP client written in GTK which can run GNU Go.
- CGoban 1 is a GPL'd client which is a great way to run GNU Go
on GNU/Linux or Unix. (Note: CGoban2 is a different program and
cannot be used for this.) The last CGoban release by Bill Shubert
CGoban 9.12. Currently CGoban 1 is being maintained again
and the latest release is available
- Jago
is a GPL'd Java client which works for both Microsoft Windows
and X-Window System.
Sente Software's FreeGoban is a well-liked user interface for GNU Go
(and potentially other programs) distributed under the GPL.
Mac GNU Go is a front end for GNU Go 3.2 with both
English and Japanese versions. License is GPL.
Quickiego is a Mac interface to GNU Go 2.6.
- Gogui from
Markus Enzenberger is a Java workbench that allows you to play
with a gtp
engine such as GNU Go. Source code is in the
Licence is GPL. Gogui does not yet support gmp or play on
servers but is potentially very useful for programmers
working on GNU Go or other engines.
- gGo is a Java program which was originally known as qGo for Java.
Although the public source of the program is no longer maintained, it is
still useful may be found at sourceforge
here or
. GGo can function as a client or sgf editor and supports the GTP,
so you can play on the servers or with GNU Go. Licence is GPL.
- Quarry is a GPL'd
client that supports GTP. Works under GNU/Linux and requires
GTK+ 2.x and librsvg 2.5. Supports GNU Go as well as other
engines. Can play not only Go, but also a few other board
- Goben,
a GTP capable front end for GNU Go using GTK libraries from
Wayne Myers. Licensed GPL.
Clients for server play
- TanGo is a client
for Windows with innovative features. Now distributed
under he GPL. It is written in Visual Basic.
- qigc
is a GPL'd client by Lambert Klasen using the qt library.
- SDL Go
by Andreas Röver is a different kind of a client that communicates
with GNU Go through it's ascii interface. Andreas has changed
his objectives slightly, intending to use a standard widget
set and the GTP protocol.
- Xgospel is
a GPL'd X-Window client program, more specialized than CGoban 1.9 but
also excellent, for playing on the servers. (This client will not
help you play with GNU Go on your local machine.)
- Ergo
is a GPL'd Java Go Client for use with the servers.
- Gcperl is a GPL'd perl module client by Reid Augustin. It
supersedes Tkgc.
Get it here!
- Vizigo is another
client issued under the GPL. It runs under either Windows or
is a GPL'd client by Pieter Eendebak.
Programs for printing Go boards
- Sgf2tex, a
GPL'd system for typesetting Go games in TeX by Daniel
Bump and Reid Augustin, including metafont sources and
a perl script for translating Smart Game Format (SGF) files.
Another approach to typesetting Go Games, this program produces
metapost file which can be turned into an encapsulated
postscript file, and included in a TeX document. Metapost
is included with TeTeX, Web2C and other TeX distributions,
and you probably already have it on your GNU/Linux system.
- Xgod is a
tool for building Go diagrams for LATeX documents. It is
distributed under the GPL. Mirrored in the
Linux archives.
- GPL'd Perl scripts to
make Ascii diagrams into gifs by Toni Cornelissen and
Nick Wedd.
Problem study
- Uligo is a program
licenced under the GPL for practicing Go problems.
Dan Stromberg's web page includes two GPL'd programs
for studying Go: Kentou, a program for self study of professional
games, and newstosgf, a program for converting ASCII diagrams
from rec.games.go into SGF files.
- GoD
is short for 'Go-Driller' and it is meant to be a program for
drilling Go-problems. Requires TCL. Also available from this
page is an NT port of CGoban 1.9 (requires an X-server).
Go recorders, SGF parsers, editors, database programs and other tools
- Pocket Go
by Brian Dewey is a free SGF editor/viewer for the Pocket PC platform.
- GoVRec is
a GPL'd sgf game recorder for the Agenda PDA.
Kombilo, a Go database program by Ulrich Goertz.
- JiGo
is a collection of Go related Java applets and an API for
developing such applets, with an sgf replayer already
released as a sample application. The Java source is licensed
under the GPL and is currently available in the
Sourceforge CVS.
- Steffen Glueckselig has two
GPL'd tools written
in JAVA including Jacoto, a tool for analyzing a library
of SGF files.
- Go tools is
a collection of software tools, many in Python, for the
game of Go. Includes an SGF parser in Python.
- SGFC is
a syntax checker for Smart Game Format (SGF) files. It is
licenced under the GPL.
- PilotGOne
is a free SGF game recorder for Palm Pilot and compatible machines
using PalmOS2.
Servers, Go Modem Protocol and Gnugoclient
- The NNGS server source is published under the GPL. Here's the
development page.
- The Dragon Go
Server source is also published under the GPL.
- ML Rating by
Per-Erik Martin is a rating program for Go. It is used as
an alternative rating on NNGS. It is licenced under the GPL.
Gnugoclient 2.0.
Not a part of GNU Go per se, this is the program used to connect
GNU Go to NNGS and play games without supervision. It is licensed
under the GPL. Version 2.0 released July 5, 2001 is a major
enhancement. Requires GNU Go 2.7.245 or later and a recent
version of Pike.
twogmp by J.-L. Martineau is a GPL'd program which allows you
to play two Go Modem Protocol programs against each other.
A Go variant
- XiStrat is a board
game environment which includes support for Go on
general polyhedra. Licensed LGPL.
Send inquiries and bug reports to
[email protected].